Choosing the Right Makeup.


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Jul 8, 2013

Konica R.

Hey guys,

So for a while I've been trying to find the correct makeup for my skin tone. I am African american and I have a bright/tan skin. I also believe I have a warm undertone, that I recently came to understand. How do I choose the right makeup for my skin tone? I always tend to get my foundation too dark or too light. And also, how do I choose the right bronzers, contouring products,eye shadows, AND concealers?

The picture shows my natural complexion without makeup.

Jul 8, 2013

Hannah B.

Match your foundation to your neck! So that way when you blend it down it will match! Hooe this helps xoxo.

Bronzers should be 1-2 shades darker than your skin tone so the definition will show up on your skin.

Concealer should also match you skin tone otherwise it will look obvious.

You can get your foundation shade matched at Mac for free. Use this code # as a reference when looking for fdtn shades.

Hope this helped! :)

Jul 9, 2013

Dana M.

I definitely think you should look into some brands for women of color (I.e: sleek, black radiance, black opal, iman, etc)

Jul 9, 2013

Erin M.

If your face is like mine, you need to match your foundation to your face as its two toned. My cheeks/forehead are just a tad lighter then the rest of my face and you don't really notice it until you have the wrong color foundation. Some women use two completely different color foundations to get that perfect look, I just use Makeup Forever HD foundation as it's not TO noticeable on me (the two toned ness I mean). One of my favorite youtube MU artist has a tutorial on her here: You can also always go into your local sephora or ulta and have them match you, but be careful on lighting. I have gone home two or three times with the wrong color foundation because the lighting in the store made the makeup appear more accurate then it actually was.

When it comes to eyeshadows we can really do anything. I recommend getting products that are super pigmented though so they pop better, thats just a rule of thumb for anyone. Coastal Scents has really nice and cheap pigmented makeup, Wet n Wild is supposed to, and NYX does as well. The last two can be bought in stores, the first one is an online brand.

Honestly for contouring I use the sleek contour kit, has a contour color and a highlight all in one. That you'd have to get off of amazon or ebay.

Bronzer...I don't wear it that often, but the drug store brand Milani is supposed to have some good ones and focuses a lot on AA women so you should be able to find something there.