Oily Scalp Help


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Jul 9, 2013

Deepali S.

Suggest any mask for oily scalp out any other overnite treatment. My hair brcms vry damaged and lustre less due to colorng.I regularly shampoo my hair.

Jul 9, 2013

Karen L.

Use dry shampoo :) Tresseme has some good ones!

Jul 9, 2013

Diana T.

Your scalp might be oily because you wash it too much so your stripping your scalp of its natural oils every day so it over produces oil to compensate try washing every other day and see if it gets better but it might take time - also in between washes use the dry shampoo like Karen suggested I like the tresseme one too.

Jul 9, 2013

Jennifer G.

I agree with Karen! Tresseme dry shampoo works well for me and smells good :)

Jul 9, 2013

Ryanne M.

I have to agree with these ladies. I myself am cursed with super fine but oily hair. I washed it everyday, despite friends advice up until a few months ago. I use tressseme keratin shampoo & conditioner. In between my every other day washes I used suaves dry shampoo. Its super cheap at Walmart and works great. I've seen a world of difference in my hair since starting this new regiment. I can now go 2 or even 3 days (if I wanted too) without washing because my hair is no where near as oily. Thank goodness! Hope this helps!(:

Jul 9, 2013

Lindsay N.

Vichy Derecos all the way.. they have an oil control shampoo
check it out

Jul 9, 2013

Lindsay N.

Ps.. I use the one for dandruff and I have used EVERYTHING! My scalp has been chemically damaged over the years and is now hyper sensitive, anyway used it 4 times and flakes are gone and zero itchiness! So impressed!

Jul 10, 2013

Samantha P.

My scalp is super oily. I tried not washing every other day for 8 months. It never improved. It is just my scalp. I've tried all kinds of tricks and shampoos. What has kept my hair nice is using a moisture shampoo and conditioner. Joico moisture recovery is crazy great. I still skip days if I'm not going anywhere just to give things a rest.