DIY Decor Ideas


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Jul 10, 2013

Aoife K.

So my bedroom walls are light blue and I tided my room last night, but It looks very empty.. Especially my walls, could you please suggest some things that I could make to spice up my room? Thank you very much If you have any suggestions. :) x

Jul 10, 2013

Betsy N.

Frames you can paint them and put beeds or diamonds or flowers around them. A cute mirror.

Jul 12, 2013

Linette W.

What I did, was found a vintage, yet pretty, picture frame and painted it white. I got cork board and put it behind the frame and nailed it to the wall. Once the cork board is in, you can put some hooks in, and hang your necklaces up. It looks really cute, and it gives the walls a more filled look!

Jul 14, 2013

Lara W.

I actually just made this tonight, but had the inspiration a while ago. but I made the table thing that the nailpolish and makeup is on. you take a big plate, a small plate, and a bowl, and 2 cups. the big plate is the base- the small plate is in the middle, and the bowl is on top. seperate them with the cups to add height and space, then find a filler for the cups and hot glue it all together! I'm going to make more of these to go throughout my room for many things. this is on my dresser, which is currently being invaded and used as my makeup area xD.

Jul 14, 2013

Lara W.

Btw- my body sray nozzle ting broke, so I used my old heat tamer spray thing for it instead xD it looks weird, but works way better than having a jet stream of body glitter spray thrown at you.

Jul 14, 2013

Lara W.

@sarah :oo I think I'm definitely going to do that one.