30 Day Squat Challenge?


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Jul 10, 2013

Susie S.

I tried once and only got halfway through it lol.

Jul 10, 2013

Nadia A.

I haven't done it, what is it?

Jul 10, 2013

Crystal C.

Currently in the middle of doing it! It definitely helps getting your butt into shape.

Jul 10, 2013

Teresa X.

What does it consist of? :)

Jul 10, 2013

Karen N.

I'm on day 2 and I'm already really sore lol.

Jul 10, 2013

Angie A.

Hm never tried it what is it supposed to do?

Jul 10, 2013

Aishwarya P.

It is supposed to tone your butt and thighs. Oh I started...but didn't make it to the end ;)

Jul 10, 2013

Maddy D.

My dad is a cross-fit instructor..so I do squats everyday. and I'm use to it. you just can't give up on your self..and yeah they do kinda suck at first..but they are easy to me now :)

Jul 10, 2013

Maria R.

I tried it for 2 days and I litterally couldnt walk on the third! was in so much pain!

Jul 10, 2013

Karen N.

@Maria R. I know the feel!  hahah

Jul 10, 2013

Bobbie L.

My sister did it! Her before and after pics are awesome! She's already super skinny but after having her son she had what she calls "butt bags" under her cheeks lol 😂 needless to say.. They're gone!

Jul 10, 2013

Erin M.

I'm doing it. I'm on day 8 (though I'm doing 110 as I skipped a day on accident) and now it's hurting. If you aren't use to working your legs you will be in pain from the get go, but its worth it! I have muscular legs already so the first 6 days weren't to bad for me.

Jul 11, 2013

Maya P.

Day 8!! I did 75 and what I noticed is after a while you get used to it and it hurts less , today is 80 squats :) and I'm excited

Jul 11, 2013

Becca S.

Does it help get rid of cellulite??