Please Tell Me I Am Not The Only One!!


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Jul 4, 2013

Madison M.

You are not the only one! There are so many girls that I know that force themselves to wear huge heels and end up looking like a newborn deer haha! I don't understand why people push themselves to wear certain things when there are a million different styles and clothing items to choose from!

Jul 4, 2013

Vanessa G.

No you are not the only one I'm the same way =)

Jul 4, 2013

Tiffany B.

I completely agree mookey. I wear what works for my body and life ( mom of three little ones ) , I rather be comfortable. I don't really know what's in style clothes wise so I pick things that I like.

Jul 4, 2013

Megan B.

Ooh em geee I feel ya on the heels deal lol. I worked at a school for 8+ hours a day and ppl wore mainly heels and asked y I didn't...well... lol. I don't want my dang feet to feel like they're falling off before 8am even hits lol. I enjoy wearing cute and stylish clothes but realistically it needs to be comfortable too. :)

Jul 4, 2013

Abby D.

Everyone is comfortable in different things. if a girl wants to wear heels every day and put lots of effort in, good for her. if she doesn't, that's awesome too. just do what you do.

Jul 4, 2013

Beth F.

I've learned my lesson tryin to be cute wearing heels at the club lmao. I make my grand appearance in them... Then go back out to the car and change into flats lmao. Comfort is key :) especially if you're going to be stuck in that outfit all day.

Jul 4, 2013

Julianne J.

I don't wear 'em either! Preach, Mookey <3

Jul 4, 2013

Elyscia W.

I sometimes wear heels when I'm at school. But I love my skinny jeans. I live in Texas and I still wear them over the summer. But my momma always told me beauty hurts.

Jul 4, 2013

Sarena R.

You are not alone! 👏😁👍

Jul 4, 2013

Rachel H.

Oh I love this. Some days I feel wrong not wearing heels, like ever. I probably own 20 pairs of heels I've never worn/worn once. I don't understand how some girls do it! Sure it's cute but I can't last 20 minutes. I really have no desire to wear what's "in". I have lazy days, I have girly days, I have punky days. If I want to get dressed up an wear a fancy dress to work, I will. If I want to wear all black and use my apron to cover it, I will! In fact I have this skirt, at first glance it's kind of hideous and I've been told a million times it's ugly but I'm in love with it ($2 skirt, can't be beat). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if I love my ugly little skirt (it really is cute done up right, I swear :3 ) I will. I feel like especially in the summer were pressured to dress a certain way or in a specific style, it's bull.

Jul 4, 2013

Elyscia W.

It's weird though I never get hot or sweaty when I wear them. And they never stick to my legs.

Jul 4, 2013

Elyscia W.

Omg haha. But yeah I've always thought it was weird.

Jul 4, 2013

Ashley L.

Nope your not the only one. being an individual is important to me to. I hate following the crowd and I hate trends. I do wear and say what I want because it makes me happy.. I never do anything just because other people are. :))

Jul 4, 2013

Sevetria M.

I totally agree. The things people do for the sake of beauty and being in style.

Jul 4, 2013

Rudee O.

Be the individual you are. That's the best style because you more confident and no one can come close to replicating it, cause its real (:

Jul 4, 2013

Stephy V.

Comfortability > everything!

Jul 4, 2013

Emma T.

Comfort to me is a huge role in how confident I feel. If something isn't flattering or comfortable then it lowers my confidence. Also some trends only look good on some body types, so do whatever works for you (:

Jul 4, 2013

Helen M.


Jul 4, 2013

Dawn M.

I always wear heels whatever the occasion.. I'm addicted.. I don't even own s pair offer jeans or trousers!! dresses and heels all the way Xx

Jul 4, 2013

Anne-Mette S.

Dawn M. you are my hero!! <3.

Jul 4, 2013

Magdalena A.

I so agree with you! I wear what makes me comfortable, feels good and I think makes me look nice. I was never heels girl due to my height and most important damaged back, so trainers and ballerina shoes/pumps for me all the way. I don't wear skirts, I don't even have one. I have my style which most of the time does not resemble current trends (I love black colour) and I would never suffer to be trendy or mainstream. Before, when I was working, I was ''smart casual'' but now with my active toddler and better confidence in myself I am ''feeling good casual with few stripe shirts left'', lol!

Jul 4, 2013

Regina B.

I'm with ya Mookey! I have flat feet too and the heels just don't work for me. I think they are beautiful but they hurt too much. In the summer all I want to wear are sandals and flip flops. As for style I wear what is comfortable and I think looks good, regardless of what everyone else is wearing. Skinny jeans are not in my closet. You don't want to see me in those. lol.

Jul 4, 2013

Etienne S.

Definitely not the only one there.. I like to dress up once in a while but I would never make my self suffer and wear heels when I'll go shopping.. I mean I respect those girls who wants to but I would rather wear something comfortable, in that way I wouldnt worry about my feet and I could just enjoy shopping. Just being practical and real. :)

Jul 4, 2013

Traci L.

Lol I never wear heels only wedges they hurt I can't walk n them and I see no reason to put my self threw the pain.

I totally agree...I only wear heels when I'm going to be in them for a FEW hours...