Makeup Everything Help


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Jul 5, 2013

Bella L.

I really want to look more pretty and wanted to know what can I do to my hair and face to help.

Jul 5, 2013

Anna S.

You have very nice skin so you could just use a concealer under dark circles and now and then blemishes I recommend getting drugstore products first to see what you like. Also just to warm up your face a cream blush revlon has nice ones and so does nyx for your lips use a lipgloss or sheer color in a pink or sheer red you can choose what looks best on you maybeline color whisper is great try them. For the eyes use maskara maybeline has great maskara put a light shimmery color on your lids just to brighten up your eyes not white though.

Jul 5, 2013

Bella L.


Jul 5, 2013

Daisy D.

It does look like you have good skin, but if you don't I suggest to wash your face two times a day. (day & night) & I wear eyeliner, so I suggest that also if you like. Mascara, blush, and lipstick or gloss. If you do mascara I really recommend you to curl your eyelashes before you apply mascara. You can buy an eyelash curler at many drug stores. For cheap too. Hope that helps :)

Jul 5, 2013

Daisy D.

Oh and hair, you can curl your hair which I love. And you can tease it or just straighten it if you have curly hair. For the summer I always have my hair up into messy buns. If you can/like you can dye it also or even simple highlights.

Jul 5, 2013

Bella L.

I did too many highlights and its now frizzy

Jul 5, 2013

Bella L.

Thanks though you helped :)

Jul 5, 2013

Molly R.

I would just wear eye liner mascara and try curling your hair!

Jul 5, 2013

Bella L.

Thank you I always have so much trouble though curling my hair

Jul 5, 2013

Heidy A.

Well you can split your hair in the middle I think that will really complement your face. For makeup I think you should just apply concealer if there's any redness or acne scars that you want to cover up. For eyes you can always do a natural eye look but I prefer applying a few coats of mascara and brown eyeshadow below my bottom eyelashes and if you want shot eyes to look big and awake I recommend putting white eyeliner in your waterline. Lastly for lips you can apply an color you like:)

Jul 5, 2013

Molly R.

Then straighten it or crimp it.

Jul 5, 2013

Carabelle R.

Add color to your lips! Helps to stand out from your luscious brown hair. I'd go for a deep matte red!

Jul 5, 2013

Carlissa T.

Eyeliner a cute little wing too some blush concealer if you'd like I would not suggest a sheer lip color I think nice nudy pinks work on everyone so try those out to play it safe at first then venture out with other colors. Also just add some mascara then your good to go. As for hair you can straighten it or I love using the curl wand so that could work also. Get some nice beach waves going on here's a simple quick photo tutorial hope this helped!