Acne won't go away!


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Jul 5, 2013

Kayla R.

So I had really bad acne on my forehead for about a year and I was prescribed a face wash from my dermatologist and it really helped. Now I'm starting to break out on my cheeks and the side of my face which has never happen before. And I tried using the face wash from the dermatologist but it hasn't helped. Any know what might be causing it or how to get rid of it?

Jul 5, 2013

Rosie M.

How old are you? it could just be hormones. my acne started off just on my forehead and eventually moved to my cheeks. go and see your gp or a dermatologist if its really getting yoi down.

Jul 5, 2013

Kayla R.

I'm 16.

Jul 5, 2013

Nehal K.

Breaking out on the cheeks is sometimes caused by change in hormonal levels or thyroid imbalance...Get them checked n see the derm again if possible...In the mean time have lots of water, keep a check on your diet (avoid oily n processed foods) and use a acne cleanser...Cetaphil oily skin cleanser, Neutrogena acne wash are good options...Do a patch test first to make sure you are not allergic to them...Use an oil free moisturizer afterwards...

Jul 5, 2013

Alexia C.

I definitely recommend a healthy diet, lots of fruits, veggies and water. Exercise regularly! In my case, my breakouts were caused by dairy so you might check if you're not kind of allergic to milk or cheese. Also change your pillow cases as often as you can or sleep on a clean towel every night!