How much do you spend on makeup.


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Jul 4, 2013

Ashreen C.

I get my make up from sephora so it's pretty expensive.

Jul 4, 2013

Lauren O.

wayyy too much.

Jul 4, 2013

Chelsea R.

Safe to say, a few of my paychecks went to makeup :p.

Jul 4, 2013

Jessica L.

Uhm not that much. but deff more than I'm supposed to be spending on clothes haha ;)

Jul 4, 2013

Vanessa O.

More than I need.

Jul 4, 2013

Kendra H.

Uhm... Waaaaaaay more than I really should be...

Jul 4, 2013

Chrysanthemum D.

I can't see the photo.

Jul 4, 2013

Chrysanthemum D.

oh wait nevermind

Jul 5, 2013

Ashley L.

I spend way to much.. my husband is starting yo notice lol.

Jul 5, 2013

Raegan H.

a reasonable amount