I hate loreal


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Jul 4, 2013

Kenzie L.

We have a body shop literally right next door to the lush I work at...awkward lol.

Armani uses fur in their line...and if you buy from a brand whose parent co. tests your funding the parent, in this case.loreal. to each his own. that's how I feel.

Jul 4, 2013

Kayleigh M.

Armani does test on animals, only there perfume lines that don't.

Body shop is growing note on that noteand adding more color cosmetics... :( on top of bigger stores. fortunately, Sephora is getting on top of more cruelty free choices. I'm thinking they added hourglass, Josie Maran and occ.

Jul 4, 2013

Stefani S.

Whether or not you use The Body Shop (which is 100% vegetarian - all ingredients /packaging/brushes, and musks), go into a store sometime soon as they have a petition (at least in Canada, not sure about the US) to stop animal testing for cosmetic purposes. It was banned in the UK in March I believe, so it's about time we followed suite! I think they are submitting it in a week or two so there is still time to get your signature! I'm pretty sure they are partnered with Cruelty Free International.
(It's too bad, in a way, that since 2006 they are part of a corporation that hasn't banned animal testing company-wide... But hopefully it is encouraging L'Or?al executives to get a move on!)

Jul 4, 2013

Kendra H.

I agree tht things like makeup and other beauty products shouldnt be tested on animals... However medications are another issue... Jut putting it out there... And btw I'm more of a covergirl myself!

Jul 4, 2013

Stefani S.


Jul 4, 2013

Stefani S.

Hope that link works!

The countries that are participated are part of EU. so it may.it include some countries. it's not all of Europe. I will provide a link.

There are 6 key participating countries today A member state of the European Union is a state that is party to treaties of the European Union (EU) and thereby subject to the privileges and obligations of EU membership. Unlike the membership of an international organisation, EU membership places each member under binding laws in exchange for representation in the EU's legislative and judicial institutions. On the other hand, EU states retain considerable autonomy compared to the constituent states of a federation (such as a You.S. state), maintaining their national military and foreign policy (where they have not agreed to European action in these areas). [3]

There are 28 member states of the EU. Six core states founded the EU's predecessor, the European Economic Community, in 1957 and the remaining states joined in subsequent enlargements. Having acceded on 1 July 2013, Croatia is the newest member state of the EU. Before being allowed to join the EU, a state must fulfill economic and political conditions generally known as the Copenhagen criteria. These essentially require a candidate to have a democratic, free market government together with the corresponding freedoms and institutions, and respect for the rule of law. Enlargement of the Union is contingent upon the consent of all existing members and the candidate's adoption of all pre-existing EU law.

There is a wide disparity in the size, wealth and political system of member states, but all have equal rights. While in some areas majority voting takes place where larger states have more votes than smaller ones, smaller states have disproportional representation compared to their population. No member state has withdrawn or been suspended from the EU, though some dependent territories or semi-autonomous areas have left.

Jul 4, 2013

Jay M.

It did work Stefani. Thanks for sharing, I signed it. I love animals.

Read up on op pits, and the inner sox countries. not to mention.King Charles veto (France) of the cruelty free application http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_state_of_the_European_Union

It's up to you what you choose to buy, if.you love Loreal power to you.

Jul 4, 2013

Megan M.

I refuse to buy from any company that tests on animals. I always feel like crap when I buy something that does accidentally or I eat something that contains dairy (I'm going vegan). It sucks that so many companies and people treat animals so poorly.

Jul 4, 2013

Stefani S.

You're welcome, Jay! I love them too!

Jul 4, 2013

Leslie S.

I don't like it but I understand it to a point, many drug companies and researchers use animals to test. As much as I love animals I love my family more, so if a company can detect these risks before it comes to market and hurts a human then I guess I'll deal with that. I have a close friend who is a chemist, and I don't agree with it, but they've been a part of some amazing drug breakthroughs.

Jul 4, 2013

Dawn M.

Megan M... do you wear leather or suede?.. There is no difference.... you can always research where your items vome from...then decide if to buy or not...hope this helps  X.

Jul 4, 2013

Sara B.

I'm sure at least 90% of people who commented on this who are opposed to animal testing are not vegetarian. If you aren't opposed to.chowing down on meat then what do you care about animal cruelty? Please. Stop pretending.

Jul 4, 2013

Louise U.

I didn't they tested on animals ;(

Jul 4, 2013

Cassidy S.

PETA had a list of cruelty free brands but its from a while ago.

Jul 4, 2013

Cassidy S.

@Sara B. that's so true.

Jul 4, 2013

Samantha V.

Just a thought @sara b. This is not meant to be offensive but I mean, weren't some animals put on this earth to consume? I mean I am cruelty free but still eat fish and occasionally chicken. I don't know why but I don't eat red meat, just don't like it I guess. But my opinion is animals being tortured just so us woman can feel better about there looks is not okay with me. I don't want to know and animal was abused or tortured then died just so I can wear that makeup. It might make no sense to some people but I mean that's how I am. However things that piss me off is places using horse meat, dog meat and whatever else in there food. Horses, dogs, cats "pets" are not meant to be eaten. But a chicken, cow, fish and so on, was meant to be eaten... I mean that's what I believe.

Jul 4, 2013

Kenzie L.

Sara B. there's a big difference between being against animal cruelty/abuse and eating meat. there are copious brands out there that sell free range, grass fed meat where the animals are treated well and put down in a humane manner. I own 2 rescue dogs and I don't think anyone would say its hypocritical of me to have them and chow down on a steak from whole foods.

Jul 4, 2013

Tara G.

I agree with Kenzie. Plus if you plus if you're waving the all out nothing flag, that would be vegan not vegetarian.

Jul 4, 2013

Tara G.

*all or nothing