Braces vs. Invisaline


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Jul 4, 2013

Katherine T.

Lol I don't know how to spell invisaline but I mean the clear braces that you take on and off. I'm not sure which one to use? I'm getting braces/Invisaline soon but not sure which one to get. Pros and cons of both?

Jul 4, 2013

Brianne M.

I have had traditional and they were a pain. you had to have special floss always had mouth sores couldn't eat certain food the brackets always broke loose. I've never had invisalign but IMHO I think its the way to go. no mouth sores or loose brackets you can eat what you want you don't need special floss they won't stain your teeth :) good luck!

Jul 4, 2013

Sarah N.

Braces. I have braces and there has been so much improvement. My two front teeth had a gap between them and there together now! Braces are better. I'm probably going to get them off soon. ✌️💚

Jul 4, 2013

Emma T.

I've never had braces but I did have invisalign. I really enjoyed having them because people couldn't really tell they were in and they didn't hurt too badly. They also don't cut up the inside of your mouth like braces. You can eat/drink whatever you want because you take them out to eat. They are more expensive but in my opinion worth it. Also they worked faster than the orthodontist expected and I had them on for less than a year. Definitely talk to your orthodontist! Good luck (:

Jul 4, 2013

Emma T.

Also, Invisalign fix your teeth just as well. I had tons of gaps in my teeth and now they're very straight.

Jul 4, 2013

Katherine T.

Yeah, I'm leaning on the Invisalign side. Plus, I get out of class while I brush my teeth at the nurses after lunch at school 😉😉 lol

Jul 4, 2013

Laura W.


Jul 4, 2013

Lynzie B.

Clear Braces I've heard bad things about invisalign not working, people getting cavities and being a waste of money.

Jul 4, 2013

Katarina M.

Braces just suck. My boyfriend had his for a while, and the orthodontist ended up taking them off to early and now he has to get them a second time. At 19 years old! I don't know exactly how invisalign works, but with braces you have to wear a retainer for basically the rest of your life or they move back. They're a lot of upkeep. They can cause your teeth to be discolored. I personally prefer invisalign and am actually going to talk to my dentist about them myself!

Jul 4, 2013

Kiara S.

Inviasline!! I had them and they don't hurt! There are also no food restrictions and they often take shorter than traditional if you wear them, I only had mine for 8 months!

Jul 4, 2013

Jaime K.

I would definitely choose braces, invisalign is so much work! You have to take them out if you eat or drink anything other than water. Pluss you cannot put it back in if there is any food in your mouth. So you basically have to floss or brush your teeth before you put them back in. I would definitely get braces, they aren't too painful & aren't too much work if you ask me.

Jul 4, 2013

Shelley W.

My sister-in-law had Invisalign and she saw results rather quickly. The key is that you still need to floss and many people fail to do so hence cavities and other issues.

Jul 4, 2013

Shauna S.

I've only had braces but if I had a choice I would probably have done invisaline. I found braces just hurt so bad when they were tightened and were definitely a pain in my everyday life. I had them on for just over 2 years and since then my teeth have slightly shifted even though I have the permanent retainer. It stopped me from eating certain foods like popcorn and corn on the cob, which I love! They weren't hard to clean. I also noticed that I had a tooth pulled prior to getting braces and once they put the braces on it stopped the growth of the permanent tooth that was supposed to grow in. So now I have this really weird small tooth in the back of my mouth. A lot of people love having braces, I hated it.

Jul 4, 2013

Kimberly S.

It depends on your teeth and how much fixing they need. From what I heard, Invisalign is only for minor problems

Jul 4, 2013

Cali K.

If your teeth are really crooked, you have big gaps between your teeth or you have a large overbite (or underbite) I'd go with braces. But if you have a small gap or small overbite get invisaline. I've never had either but IMO braces fix more faster.

Jul 4, 2013

S G.


Jul 4, 2013

Chandler J.

I have braces ad yeah there is a lot of maintenance but I've seen people with Invisalign and they have lisps and it sounds HORRIBLE! Plus with braces my teeth made improvement the first week.

Jul 4, 2013

Madison M.

I have had both. I had braces first and then invisalign. I would do braces, even if they are a bit more painful. They aren't that bad at all, the spacers that you get before your braces are the most painful part and it is only for a couple of days, don't worry about it! Invisalign was a hassle for me because of how much I had to clean it and I always forgot to wear it. It was useless for me! I ended up getting a permanent retainer put in my top and bottom of my mouth...I think that permanent things are more effective :) hope this helps!

Jul 4, 2013

Madison M.

Oh sorry I had the braces you can't take off!

Jul 4, 2013

Kenzie L.

Your orthodontist is the one who will be able to determine which method will be best for you. invisaline is considered on a case by case basis. its effective only with certain issues in verying degrees. you won't know for certain which will be best for you until after your consultation.

Jul 4, 2013

Catherine K.

I have Invisalign and the only con to having them is that you have to take them out when you eat or drink anything but water, but I've had mine for almost a month, and I see a little improvement!

Jul 4, 2013

Jamie D.

Invisalign. I have braces, and they suck. They poke my mouth, it takes me literally an hour to floss and get everything out of my teeth, and you get so much gunk in them. Maybe I'm just bad at brushing my teeth, but I'd never had a cavity before I got braces and now I've had 3. My friend has Invisalign and her teeth are really straight and gorgeous. (:

Katherine T.

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