St. Tropez Before&Aftwr.


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Jun 30, 2013

Rachel H.

Since I've seen so many posts about self tanners lately...
My mom was kind enough to let me try her St Tropez bronzing mousse!
Left side: Before Right side: after

This is one application (after picture taken only 3 hours after applied). These pictures were taken different days, in the exact same room, exact same lighting. No filters.

I'm in love. It's going to break my heart to give the mousse back. Anywhoo I was hoping this could help any other gals with self tanner decisions :) (ps I would've tried to do a natural light pic, but I applied just after midnight haha)

Jun 30, 2013

Angel O.

Haha nice glow! beautiful skin that you have :)

Jun 30, 2013

Rachel H.

Oh thank you! For some reason I've been acne free for a week now. Cross your fingers for me :P.

Jun 30, 2013

Ciara S.

Which shade was that?

Jun 30, 2013

Rachel H.

I have no idea, I don't see a shade listed anywhere? :/

Jun 30, 2013

Deniella K.

The mousse only comes in one shade! It comes out kinda gray/green to counteract any "orange" tone. It looks awesome girl, such a healthy alternative to the sun.