Best White Nail Polish&Ways To Apply?


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Jun 28, 2013

Regan N.

Last night, I painted my nails white with a teal&glitter accent nail. But I could not get the white looking smooth for the life of me! It looks bumpy and uneven, and I don't have a clue why. The polish is pretty old, and I'm in need of a new one. Any recommendations? And any tips on how to get a smooth, non-streaky finish with white polish? Also, the picture was taken last night, and I hadn't cleaned up the edges yet so that's why there's still bits of messy polish on my finger tips. Thanks in advance!💜

Jun 28, 2013

Alex K.

Mix the nail polish with a small amount of nail polish remover and it should smoothen out! apply top coat over it aswell :)

Jun 28, 2013

Vanessa W.

Agee w Alex, your polish is just too thick, either from low quality or how old the polish is.

Jun 28, 2013

Regan N.

Thanks a bunch! Great tip, Alex K. And I'll have to check out both of those polished, Chanel R. (:

Jun 28, 2013

Katarina M.

A good deal is the China Glaze white nailpolish! Super cheap and really good quality:

Jun 28, 2013

Regan N.

Vanessa W. probably how old it is. I've had it for a couple of years, so it's probably time to let it go. I just hate wasting polish. Ohwell. Thanks!(:

Jun 28, 2013

Angel O.

Essie nail polished work so good and are good quality :)

Jun 28, 2013

Amaris L.

Don't throw it away! Buy nail polish thinner, it saved my life c;

Jun 29, 2013

Karen D.

I agree with Alex & Amaris. Try their advice before throwing it out.

Jun 29, 2013

Michelle G.

Can use a small amount of polish remover. One drop and shake well and try it. Still too thick, add one more drop and shake well and test again. Too much remover will destroy the polish totally. Or use polish thinner. Large bottle for a few bucks. Never breaks down the polish but still use same technique, one drop, shake well, test. I have bought 4 different white polishes from different stores and they were all thick. Then I tried the remover and it worked. 2 drops did it.

Jun 29, 2013

Kandy B.

I know it seems like the white polish gets thick fast. But just use nail polish thinner. It works really good and saves you from throwing away nail polish especially if you spent a lot of money on it. 😉