Bullies and the "Makeup Effect"


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Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

@Jazmin: Thank you 😊
@Nancy: Thanks :) and I try!
All of the people here really have beautiful souls.

Jul 3, 2013

Anupa M.

I was bullied a lot too, actually, so I understand somewhat what you went through. The only thing that worked was that I stopped trusting people (as sad as that is) I refused to get close to anyone because at some point they would just turn around and betray me. I loved make up in hs but never wore it, because when I did my female tormentors would try to talk to me and it would make me sick. instead I found things about myself that I really liked. I'd stare into the mirror long enough for me to get bored of the flaws and start finding my own beauty. around senior year was when I was just oozing with confidence. people started respecting me and treating me like I was worth something. I still wouldn't wear make up but I'd get told how beautiful I was, and this one girl who used to bully me a lot broke down and cried telling me how she wishes she could be confident without bringing others down, and that she didn't know how. it may have been the make up that made things better or it may have been the confidence you gained from the make up :) either way, congrats of getting out of that hell hole!

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

@Anupa: Same to you! It's sad but I honestly agree with you about the not trusting people. After an incident my senior year (last year) I really stopped trusting people because I only got hurt in the end. I think most bullies feel that way, they aren't confident about themselves so they put others down.

Jul 3, 2013

Felicia S.

You are a beautiful person inside and out--I know that bullying is a big problem and no one ever deserves to have that happen to them. I'm glad you have found makeup as a way to make things better for yourself and I hope you have real, better friends who treat you well.

Jul 3, 2013

Anupa M.

If it makes you feel any better, college changed that for me completely. it was hard for me but like I trust this one dude a lot now and it took me a couple years. I have other friends too that I trust more than I would have a couple years ago in high school :) it only gets better Rebecca!

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

@Felica: thanks so much!
@Anupa: I just started college in April and it really is different. And its sooo hard for me to trust guys after an incident that occurred, but that's a whole nother story lol
@Amanda: I'm a huge pushover so it's hard for me to speak up for myself lol
And good! They got what they deserved! If I had the nerve I would have done the same to a few guys I knew then! Lol

Jul 3, 2013

Laurie M.

You look so pretty in all your pictures!!... kids are so mean I was bullied a lot too cuz I had very bad teeth and acne.. I got attacked at a public pool a while back a big group of people starting yelling at me that I was ugly and I tried so hard not to cry in front of them and I ended up bursting into tears and leaving.. I'm still really sensitive and I try so hard to look good now I'm jus like you I fear going out without my makeup.

Jul 3, 2013

Kathryn C.

Wow, that's awful. People can be so mean. I don't even understand why they would do that, I mean you were gorgeous to begin with. A really sweet, innocent look. Now you're still stunning! People can be awful, but I'm glad to hear that you let it strengthen you as opposed to letting it hold you back.

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

@laurie: wow... Even though I know it's out there everywhere, I still can't help but be shocked that people are SO mean.. I know I would have done the same thing if I was in that situation because I've been in similar ones.. I just can't get past the fact people are so hateful towards people they won't even take a moment to get to know.. And I really just feel so uncomfortable going out in public without it to the point I feel like ill have an anxiety attack. And that's pathetic. I wish I could get over it. I wish the best for you girl! 🍀
@kathryn: thank you, and I really do try not to let those things affect me negatively anymore. Instead I brush it off my shoulder and ignore it if somebody makes a mean comment.

Jul 3, 2013

Carmela C.

I'm so sorry to hear that..People can be so harsh and mean!! I hate BULLYS!! girl I know how you feel I have 4 older sisters and I was bullied by them a lot. luckily I met my hubby and he took me away from all the negativity. BUT WHAT I see is a gorgeous STRONG girl!! just remember to love your self always!! xo.

Jul 3, 2013

Annabelle N.

I struggled with bullying by both my "friends" and strangers too. I was homeschooled and never had an issue with my appearance until I went to public high school. I have had so many phases that are unrecognizable from each other within those four years. If someone said I was too skinny I would gain weight, then people talked shit about the increase and I would lose it. I even went from natural brunette to blonde because my friend said I would look so much prettier. Its really hard to find yourself in a healthy way with such cruel superficial judgements made by people who have no right to judge in the first place. I had a gap in my teeth just like my dad who passed away 15 years ago, because of bullying I got braces to close it. I still regret it because it was a piece of my dad and my family use to love seeing his trait every time I smiled and now it's gone forever. I didn't take my senior portrait because at that point I didn't recognize myself and I was being even more critical of my appearance than the people bullying me. I'm so sorry this happens and that you went through it as well. I eventually resented the people who came into my life because of the changes and all the people who said I was so much prettier because it was all so shallow. They didn't like me before and I realized they still didn't like me just what I appeared to be which wasn't truly myself. Sorry this is so long once I read your post I felt similar that I wanted to get it off my chest. Beauty is on the inside and the kindness you have always given to people deserving of it or not shows what a beautiful person you are :)

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

@Carmela: I hate bullies as well! I'm glad you got away from the bullying, I'm sure having it in the family is much worse than putting up with it at school because you have to come home to it.. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You're a beautiful woman both inside and out, as everyone else here is! I wish the best for you, and thanks so much!
@Annabelle: no need to apologize at all! High school was such a horrible place.. I jut graduated last year, and maybe two months afterwards I thought to myself "I miss it" then after thinking some more, came to the conclusion I really don't. That's where I felt the most vulnerable, most miserable, sad, and disgusted with the people. The fact that those people could manipulate your mind and change the way you think about yourself is crazy.. There was no way I knew who I was up until mid way through my senior year. And you're right. The people who would make their superficial judgement really weren't the type to judge at all.
And I actually had one of my guy friends tell me "I would date you.. If you lost your stomach, kept the chest size you have now, and were white". Yeaaaaah.
And I totally understand what yore talking about with the gap and the braces situation.. :(
And definitely. Do on to other what you would want done to yourself. That's why I'm always polite to everybody, even people who don't really deserve it. ☺

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

And you're gorgeous!

Jul 3, 2013

Carmela C.

@ Rebecca Thankyou beautiful!!

Jul 3, 2013

Amanda L.

You're so cute. I think you were beautiful even before the makeover. Bullying is horrible. Stay strong ❤

Jul 3, 2013

Tessandra R.

I've been bullied about the way I looked. People have said I have patchy skin, that I'm too short. People even call me a whore because a have a larger chest than most girls my age. It still goes on. And I do wear makeup to cover up my skin but I also am now obsessed with skincare lol. I know how it feels to be bullied because of the way you look. I remember this one girl kept texting and harassing me calling me a worthless whore that should kill herself(she even described how she wanted me to kill myself. She told me to burn myself so no one has to find my remains and give me a funeral) all because I was friends with the boy she liked. This was in 8th grade. At first I cried and cried because of it. But then I just laughed. This girl was the sluttiest girl I've ever known. A few weeks after she texted all that to me, she found out she was pregnant and she had to get 3 different guys tested to see which one was the father, and none of them were the guy she apparently "liked". So now I ignore people. I wear makeup partly because of all of this, and partly for me. So I understand :) its ok and you don't need makeup 24/7 you were beautiful then and you're beautiful now!

Jul 3, 2013

Ileene M.

I didn't get bullied neither did I bully,but I'm so glad you girls are so strong and still going..now a days girls and boys are going suicide because of that its sad and messed up, but those bullies bully most likely because there's something they don't like about then selfs so they go and cover it up by making fun of defenseless humans they think they look cool but very little do they know

Jul 3, 2013

Tessandra R.

Kill myself* sorry about that lol.

Jul 3, 2013

Kathryn B.

Just be who you are they are just insecure don't let them put you down because of their words.. Everyone is beautiful so they MUST not judge.. Just believe..

Jul 3, 2013

Yazmin S.

stay strong ladies...

Jul 3, 2013

Tyler D.

Your beautiful in all of the picks, I used to get picked on sooo bad in middle school for my dark circles. People would ask me if I had on eyeshadow or if I was high Lol I was so insecure about it I never really thought of myself as pretty until I was in highschool and started getting good with makeup? But I've grown out of it :) People don't relize the things they say can have an impact on someone's self esteem for awhile.

I was bullied for the opposite reason in high school. I wore too much makeup and people from my school called me a cake face. After high school I learned how to apply makeup properly and now I embrace my natural beauty 💗 you are pretty by the way don't let anyone put you down hun.

Jul 3, 2013

Katarina M.

Wow, that's crazy! Those people are out of their minds if they actually bullied you for such ridiculousness. You've been beautiful all through those years, it just takes the right people to see it. Love your hair now by the way, bangs suit you [:
I started wearing makeup for a similar reason. I was allowed to in 5th grade but I never got into it until the end of 7th. Most people in my school have really clean, clear, beautiful skin! Even all the guys. Then of course, there's me. I started getting pimples, zits, blackheads, and a crack load of whiteheads. I didn't know everything about using moisturizer & toner, spot treatments, and what was good for my skin. And I picked at them so they scarred over and whatnot. I felt so out of place with everyone & they're perfect skin. I felt like everyone was staring at my face and shuddering because it was gross. Before using face makeup, I changed my hair into that "scene" hairstyle. So that bangs went across my forehead and no one had to see my scars & acne. I used eyeshadow to try and distract attention to my eyes instead of the rest of my face. Then summer before 8th grade, I watched YouTube nonstop. I found good skin care products for me & I discovered concealer, bb cream, foundation, etc. I got into all that. Long story short, after trying to cover up my face, towards the middle of 8th grade, I changed my hair again so it wasn't on my face. I kept up with cleaning my face & using treatments, masks, and exfoliating. I wasn't quite comfortable with my skin, but I figured I already have a bunch of friends so I'm sure they won't care about my face. And they didn't :) I don't cake my face up with foundation anymore, but the acne hasn't gotten any better. Now that I'm entering high school, I just learned that I'll probably have to go to a dermatologist because bad skin runs in my mom's side of the family. Hahaha xD

Jul 3, 2013

Melissa B.

I got bullied in high school too because of the way I looked and dressed. I was also in an abusive relationship so the man was controlling me. I never turned to makeup to feel beautiful, instead I chose drugs. I don't like the feeling if makeup on my face. I have learned to accept the beautiful woman that I am and I went to therapy and I also realized those people picking on me were unhappy with themselves. Bullies pick on others to make themselves feel good. You have to feel beautiful the way you are, never try to change yourself to make others happy, make yourself happy! And you are beautiful as your natural self and your natural hair. Fake is ugly and men don't like it. They just like looking.

Jul 3, 2013

Herrrraa--- F.

Wow seriously and honestly you're so nice, cute, awesome, sweet. It's really shameful for those rude people, tht they did so bad with a gorgeous princess...