Bullies and the "Makeup Effect"


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Jul 2, 2013

Becca B.

@Julissa: the thing that honestly got at me more than anything though, was a lot of the people who would do it, I thought were my friends, and the others were just friends of theirs.

Jul 2, 2013

Saffron H.

I was sssoooooo bullied in school. My BFF would even call me ugly and I didn't care much cause I just was used to the fact that I was called ugly. It's like, I knew I was ugly and just dealt with that card. These kids at school would call me unibrow and it started to hurt my feelings. So my friend told me to just shave my unibrow. I did... Along with the rest of my eyebrows lol oops. So then I went from unibrow to nobrow. So I actually got my hands on some eyeshadow one day and I put it on all the way up to my brow line. It probably looked really bad but I thought it made me look better xD so I wore it to school. Well.. The I started with mascara and eyeliner and then a year later, I was obsessed with everything makeup, beauty and horses. :) kids at school still made fun of me after wearing makeup but I felt prettier so I didn't care. I remember ppl saying "oh saffron, you're hot now. You used to be ugly" and even this boy that made me cry once cause I had a crush on him and he said he thought my friend was prettier, tried to come up to me and say that hed love to date me and even marry me. Wth lol

Jul 2, 2013

Paige M.

Rebecca - yeah I pretty much bawled my eyes out all the time. I was so stupid to stay with him, I'd like to say that I left him but yeah. Anyway, that was my story of why I got right into makeup.
Now I only wear it when I go to the shops, see friends or do makeup looks like special effects

Oh no! :( do you mean like when they buff them it hurts or you get rashes?

Jul 2, 2013

Paige M.

Saffron thats so stupid, you're gorgeous!
I remember in year 8 or 9 I went to the hairdresser and the idiot cut my fringe off, like completely off there was this big chunk missing from my hair (I had a side fringe) and it looked so ridiculous and because it was so short I couldnt do anything to fix it and the bitchy plastic girl made fun of me infront of my crush who was totally gorgeous and so I flipped her off then went home and cried for like a week straight before returning back to school :( lol. I hated high school.

Jul 2, 2013

Halle C.

In my last school I was always bullied but in grade 6 things were getting better people bullied because of my past. I would always cry at school cause I felt if I did at home I would be in trouble but that's a different story. I completely stopped in grade 4 but people didnt forget. I started getting acne so I thought I should do something to cover it and distract from it so I started wearing mascara. But soon enough I was moving when I went there my best friend now said everyone wanted to be like me and look like me so the bullying finally stopped. The makeup wasnt a huge part of this but it defiantly made me more confident.

Jul 2, 2013

Becca B.

@saffron: oh my gosh! Lol what kind of nerve!
And yeah I had similar experiences when I first started wearing it, lol I had super thick eyebrows and I tweezed one so it was high and the other low and they were so thin there was no way to fix it! Lol I also used to put eyeliner all over my lid and like half an inch below my eye too (raccoon alert) and I honestly thought it looked okay lol

Jul 2, 2013

Becca B.

@halle: that's horrible :( I would cry at school too when they'd say mean things to mean which just ended up making things worse. Now I refuse to cry in front of people. Lol
And I love that part of makeup, that it can change the way a person feels about themselves. :)
@paige: when the lady that does them uses the mechanical sander/grinder thing it hurts really bad. It wasn't that bad when I first started getting them done but after the 4th time it was just as if my nails had become thinner  😞

Jul 3, 2013

Paige M.

Rebecca - yeah that happens to me too its weird. I get them done a few times over 2-3 months then have to have a huge break because its so painful and hot :/

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

Yeah I haven't had them done since March They just grew all the way back too a few weeks ago. lol takes so long.

Jul 3, 2013

Megan M.

I never had bullying problems but before I wore make up guys wouldn't even talk to me. Ever since I started wearing it I can't fight them off 😂 its so annoying but at the same time it makes me feel ugly without it aha.

Jul 3, 2013

Paige M.

I had to get mine redone every fortnight at the very latest because they grew back so quickly.

Jul 3, 2013

Roz X.

I agree with Daija. Very well put. Self love is sometimes difficult to achieve and even tougher to maintain. Be true to yourself. I'm so sorry you had to endure that pain. They unknowingly made you stronger.

Jul 3, 2013

Rita K.

Wow. those people are terrible. you were beautiful from the beginning. I had a less harsh bullying but yes I did start wearing makeup because my classmates would say that I had pimples, an ugly smile and really ugly hair. I became very insecure but I acted confident, even now no matter how much people say I'm pretty I don't completely believe them. I'm very very good at makeup now and learned something along the road. "Makeup doesn't make you beautiful, it just accents the beauty you already have." if that makes any sense.

Jul 3, 2013

Brittany H.

That's awful. Kids can be so cruel. I loved makeup when I was little and played with it a lot, but started seriously wearing it to school because I had really bad acne. It made me insecure for years. I still don't really like to leave the house without makeup.

Jul 3, 2013

Ronee D.

I was bullied about my acne wether I wore make up or not and it got to the point where I tried e v e are y t h I n g just to get rid of it. I finally went to the dermatologist and it has been gone since and I finally feel confident.

Jul 3, 2013

Gen C.

Wow... if you ever see them now b like, look at me now I look goooood b** ;) 

Jul 3, 2013

Yuli A.

You are beautiful in all of those pictures

Jul 3, 2013

Gabby C.

I used to get bullied in middle school also because I was "weird ". Of course it got to me and stopped going to school etc. As a freshman in high school I was the same, but I actually met some really nice people that helped me get through my freshman year. Then all of a sudden it stopped, I look at myself now and before and I just laugh. I was so retarded for letting myself from those morons. Now that I go to college and work I just prefer being alone not having people around me etc. People are fake, I hate when people be like why are you always alone or so quiet. I'll just be like I come to work or study not to be gossiping about other people or hearing drama about their boyfriends etc. I do have real friends that I've known since I started high school, but they are a few. When I see the girls that used to bully me with kids already and their "gangster" boyfriends I just laugh at them. You thought you were a cool b I t ch and look how you ended up. So Yea keep your head up and have positive friends in your life.

Jul 3, 2013

Serena S.

You look like you lost weight in your face over the years. I can honestly say you're goregous now, and you don't wear that much dramatic makeup anyway. you're fine.

Jul 3, 2013

Ashreen C.

Omg you were bullied! (Sorry you just so pretty my wish is to be pretty like you) I always wanted to start something where people talk about getting bullied I want to help them Caz most of them are such nice people

Jul 3, 2013

Saffron H.

I just know that when I have kids, I'm going to teach them that kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see and it can never be a bad thing!! Some kids just have tons of nerve and no idea how hurtful it can be and then some do it just to hurt you. Anyways, all I know is that even now ppl bully me but its because of jealousy more often than not :/ so with makeup ppl hate me and without ppl hate me xD you can't win lol. I'm so sorry to hear you guys' stories. :( I just know that you are ALL absolutely beautiful!

Jul 3, 2013

Talia B.

You are so pretty both ways and I'm sorry you had to go through that

And I agree I think it's really sad how that changes people

Jul 3, 2013

Talia B.

S point of view and if they want to talk to someone or not.

Jul 3, 2013

Jazmin G.

To begin with you are really pretty without any make up!! But don't worry karma will get to them sooner or later!!(:

Jul 3, 2013

Becca B.

@Megan: I know right? Same with me. It's like they give you dirty looks or ignore you when you don't wear it, but when you do they're like a heard of dogs in hear.. Absolutely ridiculous.
@Rozberry: they really did, I didn't realize it my self until recently.
Rita: I'm the same way, it's hard to believe something like "you're pretty" after years of the "gross" and "hideous" comments. And I love that saying 😊
@Brittany: they really are. I feel bad for the kids that were like me and others that are in middle school now. They're probably getting it worse because of the way things seem to have scone now. If you understand what I mean.
@Ronee: I'm glad for you! Acne is a horrible thing, but people shouldn't be bullied for it at all.
@Gen: lol! If only I had that sort of confidence! Most of em I still see often because our area is kinda small.
@Yuli: thank you!
@Gabby: people really are fake, and I'm the same way as far as being alone and quiet. I feel like "treat others the way you want to be treated", but people don't seem to feel that way back. I've always hated it when people gossip about others.. The drama. I have two great amazing friends and honestly I think that makes me lucky to have them.. I'd rather have two real friends than a thousand fake ones.. Know what I mean?
@Serena: I actually grew into my weight. I used to be really short and chubby but then I got taller. Lol. And I wear dramatic makeup sometimes, depending on the occasion ☺
@Ashreen: yes. And you're pretty! I think it's the personality that shows whether a person has true beauty or not, and you're completely right about them being nice people.
@Saffron: I know right!? You just can't win either way.. Some People have such, err.. Hatred? Inside of them!
@Talia: definitely. It seems like even though you may be nicest person in the world, you have to look a certain way to talk to certain people.. They seem to have high standards of those they associate with.