Audition For Modeling


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Jul 3, 2013

Jayci B.

I have a modeling audition any makeup ideas for natural looks.

Jul 3, 2013

Carlie C.

I had one to about a month ago :) , you wanna wear a nice fitting pair of jeans or shorts , a simple pair of heels , a cute shirt , and as for makeup I only did foundation a pale pink blush , and mascara , :)

Jul 3, 2013

Jayci B.

They told me I need to wear all black. thank you guys. I'm just trying to figure out what the best look will be for me

Very light face makeup, neutral eye, soft pink or peach lipstick. Nothing dramatic! They need to see your true face in order to see if you're fit to model. Goodluck :)

Jul 3, 2013

Natalie T.

Wear little to no makeup! I would definitely not wear eyeshadow at all. maybe just some bb cream or (a tinted moisturizer) and mascara with your hair pulled straight back in a sleek ponytail, off of your face.

Jul 3, 2013

Kelly K.

I wouldn't put on any sort of foundation as they probably want to see your natural skin tone and what they'd have to ''work with'' if you must do something light like concealer. No eyeshadow or eyeliner. If you must wear some mascara. No lipstick, but chapstick is always good. If you must LIGHTLY define your eyebrows. Models are supposed to be canvases and they usually want (unless your auditioning in Japan) very natural looking girls to show up. Its easier for them so they don't have to ask you to remove your makeup.