Treatments you swear by for pimples.


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Jul 1, 2013

Aleisha B.

My formal is image month and a half. I want to make sure my skin is clear by then. I'm in the middle of a breakout and want my face as clear as possible by then. Make up covers the colour but doesn't hide the obvious bumps ): What are some treatments you swear by?? That are cheap or even better home made -_-

Jul 1, 2013

Moina A.


Jul 1, 2013

Huda A.

Aloe vera helps

Jul 1, 2013

Taija T.

What exactly would you do with the toothpaste?

Jul 1, 2013

Rama S.

Drink water it will clear them and use a good acne face wash like neutrogena

Jul 1, 2013

Ilana A.

Benzol Peroxide, I generally use my 10% Benzol Peroxide cream over moisturiser for spot treatment (A little dab on problem areas.) It also comes in a wash. It's not hard to get at chemists :)

Jul 1, 2013

Beth W.

Oxy works wonders. It's a cream for pimples.

Jul 1, 2013

Cait C.

I'm someone who suffered from acne for a long time, and if it wasn't for the things I'm about to tell you... I'd probably still be dealing with it.

1. To prevent pimples make sure you EXFOLIATE. I use a clairsonic, but that's rather pricy so I'd say go to your local shop and pick up any sort of exfoliating powered brush. Look for a coupon in the local papers or online before heading to the shop to save yourself a few dollars. Secondly, buy a cleanser with some grit to it. Again exfoliation is key to clear skin. You have to remove the dead skin so dirt and bacteria don't get trapped which causes break outs. There are some great home made cleansers that can help. Look them up, a lot tend to contain baking soda or aspirin (reduces redness and swelling) or honey (naturally anti-bacterial).

A lot of people swear by using toner -- I however do not. It causes my skin to produce more oil which causes more breakouts.

The day of: have a green toned concealer. I really love NYX's. What you need to do is moisturise and prime your face. Apply the concealer. Let it dry, apply a bit of powder on top and THEN apply your foundation on top of it. The green blocks out the red.

For the bumps you mentioned I always use this trick -- ten or 20 minutes before applying my makeup I will take an Advil liquid-gel and poke a hole in it with a clean pin, take some of the liquid and apply it right on the acne. It will start to reduce it. The ingredients in the product cause a reduction of inflammation which is exactly what acne is!

I hope this helped!

Jul 1, 2013

Gaby P.

I swear by Acne Free kits. I used the gentle one but you can choose regular or severe. I literally can't describe with word how much I love this stuff. I only used the cleanser and toner tho. the other cream is too harsh for my skin. I recommend it. it took away the bumbs in like a week.

Jul 1, 2013

Moina A.

Just put a dot of toothpaste on the pimple?

Jul 1, 2013

Jessi F.

Tea tree oil, though not instant, is the best thing for your skin. :) Dab it on if you see/feel a pimple forming and it will heal it.

Tea tree oil! Or Benza Clin gel.

Jul 1, 2013

Brittany O.

Retin A

Jul 1, 2013

Madison S.

Up and up 3step acne Care system!! Cheap and works!!

Jul 2, 2013

Bekah S.

Accutane! Hahahaha

Jul 2, 2013

Aleisha B.

Wow thank you everyone. I definitely have a lot of options and I'm glad I have given myself plenty of time (: I think I will try the exfoliating one as I haven't seen any of these acne kits in NZ (:

Jul 4, 2013

Rachel A.

A honey face mask works amazingly! Just pop on some raw honey onto your face and leave for about 15 minutes+, and then wash off with warm water. It also gets rid of the shine off your face, if you have one, and leaves a lovely even looking complexion! :)