Help I bleached my hair!


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Jun 30, 2013

Emily H.

So I bleached my hair last night than I actually colored it but it still iant the color I want bc my hair was so dark so could I color it again today to make it the color I want I'm coloring it blonde btw. would my hair like be super dead if I do it again or turn a weird color?

Jun 30, 2013

Amber M.

Don't color it again you have to wait a few Weeks or it will fry.

Jun 30, 2013

Emily H.

alright thanks

Jun 30, 2013

Caley B.

You should really wait 2 weeks before bleaching it again! I did it within 1 week an the whole top layer of my hair was burned off to be as long as my thumb when I had hair down the middle of my back.

Jun 30, 2013

Lilianna M.

You should give your hair a rest for now! it just got fried from the bleach! Be nice to your hair and nourish it with hair masks, and/or oil treatments as to moisturize your hair before bleaching again! Hope this helps!

Jun 30, 2013

Emily H.

Thank you but I'm not bleaching it again I'm just getting my color like a lil blonder with the hair product not the bleach and I'm going to tonight.

Jun 30, 2013

Emily H.

@Ashley what's dry braids for? I just get in the shower and leave anyway my hair was very healthy before

Jun 30, 2013

Sarah F.

Coloring is fine haha just after closer to 24 when you want to do it should be completely fine! I've done that plenty of times trying to get the right shade! Good luck!

Jun 30, 2013

Emily H.

@ashely oh sweet thats awesome thank you I never knew that!

Jun 30, 2013

Amber K.

You have to wait a few weeks. Just go to a salon and get it sorted out. I did that yesterday and I am soooo happy with my hair now. It took 4 hours, but the results are fantastic.

Jun 30, 2013

Emily H.

Awesome but I don't have money right now for a salon so I'm making due lol.

Jul 1, 2013

LauriBritnee S.

There are a couple resons why your hair didn't come out as desired 1. the darkness of your hair which you did mention 2. Because you didn't leave the bleach on long enough 3. the strength of the developer. You could actually bleach your hair twice in one day depending on the integrity of your hair, however since you want to color it again that is ok as well however I must warn you that you more than likely it still won't be as light as you want it! You may get it a half of shade lighter but the chances of lighting it 1-2 shades lighter are slim to none. & all them are right you should begin to take care of your less heat, more conditioning treatments. You may choose to blow dry your hair but low heat is recommended!

Jul 1, 2013

Hali H.

The only way you can go blonder is by bleaching. if your hair already has color on it the only way it can be taken out or lightened is with bleaxh. the only way color works to lighten hair is if you have never colored your hair. for example if someone's hair was colored to medium blonde and they wanted to be platinum ud have to bleach but when her roots start showing you can use color to lighten it since that hair has never had color on it.

Jul 1, 2013

Emily H.

Wow so I have to bleach it again or else the color won't show up..bc mines like strawberry blonde that is sooo weird..

Jul 1, 2013

Emily H.

But thanks everyone that is sooo helpful! I'm glad you guys helped me.

Jul 1, 2013

Hali H.

Yeah pretty much. but if you do bleach it again if you only need to go a shade or 2 darker and your hair still feels alright you should be fine. I'd do it in a week or 2 though and deep condition a few times. but if you can't wait just make sure to deep condition it before and after.

Jul 1, 2013

Hali H.
