It's 110 degrees Outside!! What's the weather in your town??


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Jun 8, 2013

Carmela C.

OMG its ridiculous!! I went to the store And came back and I'm sweaty!! Eww..

What's the weather @ your hometown?
Have a nice day!! xoxo muah!

Jun 8, 2013

Olivia N.

It's raining...

Jun 8, 2013

Roz X.

Low 70's. Cool and sunny. :)

Jun 8, 2013

Alex M.

Its 107... Its been in the 100s and it going to be like that all next week. -.-'

Jun 8, 2013

Jay M.

Omg its 108 here today!! Sacramento, ca. tomorrow its supposed to be 87 wth??

Jun 8, 2013

Julia R.

Florida you don't wanna know soupy ready for cool weather Again please.

Jun 8, 2013

Olivia N.

Hey sorry to bother any one and I hate when people do this but can you help me with my question? Hockey game drama? Sorry to sound rude...

Jun 8, 2013

Carmela C.

@ Rozberry I wish we had that here!! @ Velen doll stay cool and fresh! take a nice swim ;)

Jun 8, 2013

Carmela C.

@ Jay really 87 wow?? crazy weather.

Jun 8, 2013

Marisol R.

73 in Chicago

Jun 9, 2013

Theresa L.

64 degrees in Indiana pretty chilly.

Jun 9, 2013

Jenny J.

Omggggg n it's cooler now cuz it's almost 8.

Jun 9, 2013

Brie B.

66 right now

Jun 9, 2013

Kathryn L.

19 degrees celcius. No idea what that is in Fahrenheit... but it was a pretty warm day for here!

Jun 9, 2013

Kathryn L.

Just googled... Its only 66?F... Lol but for this time of year here (alberta canada) its pretty hot.

Jun 9, 2013

Jennifer P.

It's been humid and rainy here since we just sort of had a tropical storm pass through. I just googled and right now it's about 63F / 17C.

Jun 9, 2013

Kelly M.

63F right now, overnight. Perfect temp! But it was pretty warm and sunny during the day, around 75.

Jun 9, 2013

Annalee M.

Eh like 90 in salt lake!

Jun 9, 2013

Aoife M.

20 degrees Celsius here in Ireland

Jun 9, 2013

Carmela C.

Man I want cooler weather!! its the 100s again here in California ;/

Jun 9, 2013

Carmela C.

I think I'm going to convince my hubby to go move again to Mexico for the *beach time* ;-

Jun 9, 2013

Mary A.

Wow and I thought 81 was horribly hot. I would melt if it was in the hundreds lol.

Jun 10, 2013

Jay M.

Lol Carmela I'm with you. A beach and a strawberry daquari sound fabulous. Mexico here we come...oh man I

Carmela C.

California, United States