Your Positive Attributes and What You Like About Yourself.


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Jun 9, 2013

Olivia G.

Focus on the positive things about yourself, people will notice, focus on the negative things about yourself, and people will notice, too. People tend to notice what other people point out, such as freckles, belly pouches, ears, sweaty palms, etc. People pay more attention to what they hear rather than what they see. People will notice your amazing personality if you express that more than your negative thoughts about yourself.
Make a list, put your family and friends at the top of the list, and then add everything about yourself you do not like and wish to change. Are the things you do not like about yourself more important than the people that accept and love you for who your are?
Now, talk about your traits that you love the most about yourself, the traits that you want people to notice, I'll start off first: I admire my sense of humor, my freckles, my birthmark, my pointy nose, my love for nature, the compassion I show towards others, my "food baby," and the people that I'm surrounded by, now your turn!

Jun 9, 2013

Riley M.

I like my tiny nose, freckles , hair, my long legs, & nails :)

Jun 9, 2013

Samantha S.

My little freckles, skin, hair, nose, lips, personality kind of lol and my smile :D.

Jun 9, 2013

Cassidy R.

I like my ever changing eyes, pale skin, freckles, and my dark hair that contrasts with my skin.

Jun 9, 2013

Karen N.

I like the fact that I can make people laugh and that I find everything funny, I like that I get really close to people fast and I'm good at socializing, my oral communication skills during speeches/presentations, soccer skills! , my niceness, over-achiveiness , patience specially when dealing with kids! and also that I talk a lot lol ;P.

Jun 9, 2013

Abby R.

I like my really long hair, my eyes and the fact that I am basically a comedian

Jun 10, 2013

Abby R.

Are you even old enough to be on here.?^^^