Something You Hate About Yourself, But Wouldn't Change?


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Jun 9, 2013

Emma O.

Is there something you hate about yourself you hate, but wouldn't change because it makes you you?

Jun 9, 2013

Briana R.

It's not a physical thing but it's the way I speak! Growing up kids at school made fun of me and always called me "white girl" constantly because they thought I spoke differently than them I guess. I never talked with slang or anything lol, but growing up I would just despise the way I spoke and I would be too shy to talk so I would refrain from speakinb...Now that I'm older I realize it's Ok to be different and I cannot change the way I talk so I might as well accept it now! So I used to hate it but I know it makes me! :)

Jun 9, 2013

Daniela C.

I really dislike my nose, everyone makes fun of me but I wouldn't change it cause its something that makes me unique

Jun 9, 2013

Abby R.

Something that I hate is my dimples, I have dimples in my lips but they are like holes, I hate them so much but they make me who I am oh and I hate my nose too

Jun 9, 2013

Heidi-Loren B.

Teeth made fun of at school drove me mad had braces bit better but I still get very unconfident and I have bit of lisp

Jun 9, 2013

Amaris A.

My ears. I'm always insecure about doing hairstyles that show my ears.

Jun 9, 2013

Kelly L.

my freckles

Jun 9, 2013

Kaylaa B.


Jun 9, 2013

Jannieke D.

My ears too, I'm always a little insecure with a bun or something. but I won't change it because they made me unique

Jun 9, 2013

Kaylaa B.

Hey x I'm new to beautylish I ,made a convo ffor any advice tips so feel free to juss post for me it would be helpful thanks.

Jun 9, 2013

Rebecca B.

My eyes and eyebrows , I would love to have more even eyes, I have one that is more hooded. One of my eyebrows is a fair bit lower than the other. :(

Jun 9, 2013

Kaylaa B.

Eyebrows I hate mine but then again I have seen worse

Jun 9, 2013

Freya P.

My natural haircolour lol it's kind of a red/copper/gold but I've had it dark brown for years.

Jun 9, 2013

Mariah A.

My boobs lol. I hate their size ugh. my mum keeps telling me it's because of all the training I do and that before I stop they won't get very big and because I have a 'toned athletic figure' -.-
I wouldn't change them tho because I think they would look weird on me I don't know.

Jun 9, 2013

Jasmine W.

My hair! I wish it wasn't so thick and "poofy" when I don't do anything to it.

Jun 9, 2013

Aly A.


Jun 9, 2013

Sophie J.

My forehead and the fact I always put other people first.

Jun 9, 2013

Anabelle F.

My butt, thighs, and cheeks! But they make me, me!

Jun 9, 2013

Katie B.

White stains on my teeth from pills I had to take when I was little._.

Jun 9, 2013

Lynzie B.

My chest, freckles, dimples, and hands.

Jun 9, 2013

Anna T.

My chin as it has a little bump in it x

Jun 9, 2013

Kaitlyn S.

How my moods and personality changes a lot. Sometimes I'm not sure which one is the real me, it's annoying. But I guess all of them can be me though. Sometimes I scare myself but at the same time I really like it in a twisted way.

Jun 9, 2013

Nekwu A.

My lips and the fact that I'm not so disciplined...

Jun 9, 2013

Claire K.

I hate my freckles, but then everyone tells me they wished they had them and that they're a sign of beauty :)

Jun 9, 2013

Emma K.

My really huge thick frizzy curly hair. I kinda damaged it trying to get a treatment to take out the frizz and now its in the awkward stage of the bottom half being straight and the top half is frizzy and I can't get it cut cos then I will have a true afro (but not a good one)