Overnight Curls for Weird-Textured Hair.


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Jun 5, 2013

Berkeley K.

I'm trying to go a few weeks without even touching my hair with a straightener...problem is, my hair is naturally wavy/curly and needs to be styled somehow! My weird hair texture makes it almost impossible for overnight buns, twists, braids, etc. to turn out cute in the morning. Any ideas for overnight curls? Thanks :)

Jun 5, 2013

Rachel G.

Not sure if this will help you but I'm in the same boat as you. I shower wait til my hair gets damp then apply this product then sleep. its around $4.

Jun 5, 2013

Lexi E.

When you take a shower in morning or night time (I usually use morning) take a shower and when you get out massage mousse in your hair and scrunch it in while using mousse , or the garnier stuff and I think herbal ennceses or aussie has a spruch spray/gel.

Jun 5, 2013

Berkeley K.

Awesome, thanks!

I recently posted a video on this topic.
I showed 3 easy overnight hairstyles that looks fabulous in the morning.
So, if you still need some ideas, you can check it out
