How Do you Deal with Mean Customers or Clients?


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Feb 26, 2012

Aisha D.

After 13 years in cosmetics retail, I have come across a wide variety of clients! Mostly great customers that appreciate our help. Others.....not so much. My question is, how do you cope with people that are hell bent on making your life miserable for no other reason than they can?

Feb 26, 2012

Shelley W.

As an ex sales trainer I preached the mantra "kill them with kindness". Its best to not let them see that they're getting under you skin because then they naturally amp up on the ugliness. I worked in the car industry so I saw the good, bad and the downright ugly and what helped me maintain my sanity is after having that one nightmare customer and I landed one who was the complete opposite I gave them the world on a silver platter. For me that was healing to my mental health and those were the customers who ended up coming to me for a second purchase or thought of me around the hoildays with cards. 

Feb 26, 2012

Aisha D.

@Shelley, I totally agree! Kill em with kindness. Although not everyone feels that way. I had a co-worker that worked at another counter (whom I won't mention). She had a prom makeover and this girl was so disrespectful to the staff and especially her mother! The girl looked amazing but the makeup artist used products that would not "hold up" by the time she got to take her pictures;) It always pays to be nice to people who provide a service. Especially if they are being kind to you.  

Feb 26, 2012

Shelley W.

Karma is B. What comes around goes around. :)

Courtney A.

Mar 1, 2012

Courtney A.

In retail, you really have no choice but to suck it up and be friendly. Swallowing your pride doesn't always taste so great when all you want to do is tell the person off, but it is the nature of the industry.