I need to know how to stop biting my nails!


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Jun 19, 2013

Jessica W.

I such a bad nail biter! I literally bite them all short that I can't paint them to look nice. I feel like I've tried everything to try and stop it. I could really use suggestions or ideas of how to stop. Please!

Jun 19, 2013

McKenna R.

I have a biting nail problem too! The easiest thing I've tried that helps a little is putting on hand sanitizer every hour. The flavor is so gross it makes me wanna stop.

Jun 19, 2013

Liliana R.

Well I don't know how good this advice is but it worked for me. Instead of biting my nails I started biting the dead skin right around my nails you know the one thar feels a little ruff sometimes and when that was all gone. I just put my nail in my mouth with its bottom part resting on my lower row and rocked it from side to side biting Down just a bit but never enough to injure the nail. ( and I always pictured my goal which was those beautiful nails all those other girls had that I wanted) and after that for a day or less my skin was back and and I could bite that again sounds crazy even gross but it only took me like 3 to 4 weeks to kick the habit and I was manic nail biter since I was a Kid. Till this day when I start biting them again I repeat the process and it still works! And for the record I have manicurist complement my nails all the time. Keep em manicured during this process as well it's easier to keep your eye on the price when you can c it's potential

Jun 19, 2013

Stephanie M.

My mom started wearing acrillic nails. It felt weird forher at first but she loves them now and doesn't bite them anymore.

Jun 19, 2013

Jennifer M.

What I did was painted my nails. That way I didn't bite my nails BC I didn't want nail polish bits in my teeth. It worked for me haha not so much for some of my friends. Just a suggestion though :)

Jun 19, 2013

Nana yaa W.

I used to bite my nails like crazyyy, but my sister never does and I got jealous which made me wanna quit, haha:) What worked for me is clear nail polish. The kind that supposedly protects and grows your nails? I'm not sure if it really does, but it tastes gross. You could also paint over the clear nail polish with a very vibrant or dark color. When you see all that nail polish you've bitten off, it'll make you stop. Hand sanitizer is great too. Don't expect it to be easy though, it will take a while to stop such a habit. Just remember, whenever you start biting or get the urge to, why you want to stop. You want those nice nails!!

Jun 19, 2013

Nana yaa W.

Sorry that was so long, but it worked for me :) Oh and gum helps, gives you something else to chew.

Jun 19, 2013

Rachel T.

Get acrylic nails. You won't want to bite them. I have acrylics and I used to be a nail biter but not anymore!:)

Jun 19, 2013

Maral B.

@ liliana I did exactly the same! painting nails works too.

Jun 19, 2013

Ellyn F.

If you don't want to spend a bunch of money you can go get the impress nails too. they'll just act like a protector lol. they're cheap and cute and last at least a week.

Jun 19, 2013

Jessica W.

Thanks for all the suggestions ladies! Ill keep you updated on my journey to beautiful nails! Today I'm going to get them buffed and beautiful. I'm going to try the top coat that taste bad first and if that doesn't work move on to other suggestions! Thanks again!

Jun 19, 2013

Savanna W.

Wear gloves and chew gum!