Over moisturized! Yuck!


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Mar 26, 2012

Amanda J.

I just used my friends lotion, she said it was really good. I used it when I got out of the shower cause I figured that's when my skin would most be open to it. But it was the Curel extra healing, and eeeew my skin is all sticky and over moisturized now.
My skin is already naturally SUPER soft, like, apparently my skin is like, the softest skin in the world. Because everyone that shakes my hand or anything says so. :P Anyways, yeah. I used it, and now I'm all sticky because my skin won't absorb it all because it doesn't need THAT much, you know? I don't know what to do, but it feels really gross. >.<

Mar 26, 2012

Shelley W.

Best advice....shower again to remove it. If I use a body lotion with mineral oil I experience the same thing and my skin is dry. Mineral oil might be the culprit in your situation.

Mar 27, 2012

Amanda J.

I checked the ingredients, there isn't any. It's just that my skin isn't absorbing that extreme moisture because it doesn't need THAT much. I was thinking of just wetting a wash cloth and rubbing myself down, lol. It's just so STICKY haha!!! I don't need that much moisture. I mean, it really is sticky. It's like... annoying. >.<