Weird question but I don't know what to do!!


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Jun 18, 2013

Georgina M.

Okay so this is a weird (and some of you will think stupid) question but I have a dance soon and I'm painting my nails and I kind of have ingrown toenails (gross, I know) and I can't get the dirt out!! I've tried soaking them and then use the little thing on nail clippers (sorry don't know what they're called) and just constantly digging at it but nothing works! Also, the skin is all hard near the corner so it's all white and ugh... I need help! How do I get the dirt out?? (Ignore the horrible nail in the picture, I'm going to cut & file them so they'll look nicer)

Jun 18, 2013

Georgina M.

Sorry for the horrible picture, I know my toes are gross 😷😷

Jun 18, 2013

McKenna R.

What I do is clip all the white skin away. After that soak and use a pumice stone it may hurt a little. Then push your skin back. If that doesn't work maybe wear some toe covering shoes? Just clip the whole thing off even the dirt sorry. Hope that helped xoxo.

Jun 18, 2013

Katie R.

Just in the long run, do not cut them that short! They should be straight acrosswhere the cutixle on each side ends! This will prevent dirt frim getting trapped!xo.

Jun 18, 2013

Georgina M.

Thanks ladies :)