Is this a good color on me?


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Jun 7, 2013

Olivia G.

I have an obsession with lipgloss and was wondering if this is a good color on me. I have no mascara on right now so I look a little weird. I think it really makes my eyes pop, any opinions on it and some good eye shadow colors that would go great with it, please.

Jun 7, 2013

Melissa K.

I personally really like it! 😘 You're super gorgeous!!

Jun 7, 2013

Elisa H.

Maybe a little lighter :)(

Jun 7, 2013

Briana R.

I think so, but since you have such fair skin you could even go brighter and it look good! That shade is really subtle on you.. I don't know why but your whole look reminds me of like..Old Hollywood! :) But anyways, when I said brighter I meant more red!

Jun 8, 2013

Olivia G.

Lol thanks :) I like to do a bold color to pop whether it be for make up, jewelry, clothes, etc.