I'm reasonably pretty but not very popular at school.


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Jun 7, 2013

Ella C.

If anyone could suggest a new attitude, look or other maybe I would have a better chance of being liked!

Jun 7, 2013

Micol A.

You have to be yourself, do not change only to get attention.. :)

Jun 7, 2013

Zoe S.

People will only like you for you.

Jun 7, 2013

Jordan S.

Being popular shouldn't matter! Just be you, that is the one thing that will pay off most in the long run! :)

Jun 7, 2013

Liv A.

just be you.

Jun 7, 2013

Ireland H.

Who cares what people it's not about the outside its about the inside that counts.

Jun 7, 2013

Victoria S.

Here is a quote I love: "never chase love, affection, or attention. if it isnt given freely, it isnt worth having" be you and ppl will love you for who you are <3.

Jun 7, 2013

Jessica R.

Just remember to always be friendly and nice to others

Jun 7, 2013

E N.

Just be yourself I know it sounds cheesy but there is no point being "popular" if you already have friends, I don't know if you mean popular as in "queen bee" or as in having friends. If you want more friends just be kind , don't judge people and don't go behind other people backs and as in queen bee I don't think it's important to be popular in that way , I don't know how old you are but the older you get the less it matters! Just be happy with who you are and treat people how you would like to be treated!

Jun 7, 2013

Gabrielle C.

Girl don't even worry about it. I'll be a senior this next school year and I'll be graduating with 3 friends at the most. Its been like that all throughout highschool for me. don't let it bug you, you shouldnt have to change who you are for people to like you. its better to be alone or with very few then to change yourself and be circled into a group to shallow to see how awesome you are without a change.

Jun 7, 2013

Mariah L.

Be yourself, simple enough. If you're trying to be "miss popular" at school just think, they think they are the "boss" of the school and treat everyone like crap but what will happen to them after they graduate and they only have themselves? Always better to have friends that will like you for being yourself, always be nice, talk to everyone, don't leave anyone out for not being part of your "group".

Jun 7, 2013

Jaime T.

Hahaha! The "popular" people now from my class are popping out babies, married/divorced, overweight, destroyed livers, dead/alive, or in rehab. I'm only 22, hun. My 5 year reunion is going to be a hoot, just seeing how "far" they've come. I think you need to rethink what you're asking for. Just get a twitter account and have tons of followers to fill in that popular feeling. Keep your real friends close because once you're out of school, good luck finding real friends.

Jun 7, 2013

Katy K.

Trust me, popular is so overrated.