How often do you guys straighten your hair?


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Jun 7, 2013

Tara S.

So I was Just wondering how often you straighten or Curl your Hair and how Long it Takes?

Jun 7, 2013

Hana J.

Once a blue moon really. whenever I have an event so maybe every 3/4 months :)

Jun 7, 2013

Princess S.

I never straight my hair unless there is an event. ^_^

Jun 7, 2013

Ajla N.

I straighten once every week because I have curly hair and I curl once every year.

Jun 7, 2013

Ivette H.

I straighten my hair 1-2 times a week. Usually takes about 20 minutes.

Jun 7, 2013

Kennia A.

Everyday lol I know it's horrible my hair is so fried.

Jun 7, 2013

Erin M.

Well, because I have braids in its almost been 4 months. :p But before that maybe once a week, trying to do it less then that.

Jun 7, 2013

Taylor J.

Probably once a week. And it takes about 25 minutes.

Jun 7, 2013

Allie H.

My hairs naturally straight, but I curl it every once in a while on the weekends. It would take me 30-45 minutes!

Jun 7, 2013

Kira S.

Neither! Lol

Jun 7, 2013

Lara C.

Once or twice a month. last year it was once or twice a week. it dried and damaged my hair. I have regained my natural curls thank god!! it usually takes me 20 minutes to do the whole thing.

Jun 7, 2013

Rebecca B.

About once a week but I don't straighten all of it, just parts that need it.

Jun 7, 2013

Kirbie S.

Haha if I don't do one, I do the other! So like everyday! That or it's in a ponytail!

Jun 7, 2013

Briana R.

I don't straighten mine often just because I like it curly/wavy a lot better. But during the summer I straighten it more and it takes maybe about 30 minuets. When I curl it it takes about 45 mins to and hour if I take my time on it.

Jun 7, 2013

Jillian M.

I straighten my bangs everyday, but the only time I straighten is if I wore it up and its kinked. I prefer to blow dry my hair straight. And straightening takes about 25-30 minutes. I pretty much never curl my hair, though! :)

Jun 7, 2013

Harley S.

I straighten my hair once or twice a week it use to be everyday. And it takes me about 10-15 minutes. I hardly ever curl my hair because its so thick so it takes for ever about an hour and a half! Haha.

Jun 7, 2013

Katie H.

I have naturally straight hair so I normally don't unless I accidentally sleep with it in a bun. It usually takes me 10-20 minutes

Jun 7, 2013

Jasmine W.

Every 3 days, takes about 20 minutes unless I'm going to the beach or its really hot -then I make a "messy bun"

Jun 7, 2013

Jennifer A.

I do the Brazilian Keratine so I wash & blow dry once a week :)

Jun 7, 2013

Mariah A.

Once a week but I sometimes leave it natural :)

Jun 7, 2013

Liberty R.

During the school year I straighten maybe 2 or 3 times a week which takes me about 20 minutes if I'm trying really hard. I curl maybe once every month and that takes about 30-45 minutes depending on what I'm going for. I've just been rocking a ponytail and messy bun most of the last month. :)

Jun 7, 2013

Katy K.

Probably 2 times a week. If I curl it about 25 min. If I straighten it 5 to 10.

Jun 7, 2013

Ditte V.

Like once every 2-3 months because I try to grow my hair longer and I won't damage it. Takes me about 40 minutes.

Jun 7, 2013

Amber C.

2 or 3 times a week. About 5 minutes.

Jun 7, 2013

Jessica O.

I straighten my hair lik 2 or 3 times a week and it takes about 20 min :)