How Much Is Too Much To Spend.


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Jun 6, 2013

Brianna M.

Ok so I am going to go on wn all out shopping spree for everything abduction I am going to get all new makeup as in throwing everything I have now and starting from scratch but how much do you think is too much to spend on makeup all in general like if you added up what everything you bought?

Jun 6, 2013

Brianna M.

*and not abduction?! crazy phone lol.

Jun 6, 2013

Jessica R.

Um it's really up to you. Just look at how may products you bouncy or are going to buy and see ho much it will cost or costed

Jun 6, 2013

Jessica R.


I guess it depends on how much makeup you wear & where you plan on buying from. If I was to throw out ALL my makeup & start over, I wouldn't even know where to begin I have that much stuff. I'd probably spend 1,000+ if I was to buy everything all at one. Lol.

Jun 6, 2013

Sarah F.

I would say over 500 at once is too much. I'd say go for 300 and then take it home and see what else you want/need.

Jun 6, 2013

Lynzie B.

My daily wear adds up to maybe $300 and that's not all name brand. It can get expense I guess it depends on what you want and works best for you.

Jun 6, 2013

Lynzie B.

Plus when you add bushes, sponges and tools it can add up to be more so maybe over $500 max.

Jun 6, 2013

Katy K.

Maybe shoot for around 300 but make sure you DO NOT go over 500.

Jun 6, 2013

Lizzy W.

Well, cost and worth are too totally different things, so it depends.
How much money can you spend? Do you want to build a professional kit, or at least have the option of doing some freelance makeup jobs? Which products do you prefer high-end, and which ones are you okay with going drugstore for? Do you want crazy palettes or more wearable neutral products?

It's fun to go crazy at the makeup counter every now and then, but for restarting your collection, I think you should have a clear, practical idea of what you want. Read plenty of reviews so you don't end up wasting your money or hating half of the stuff you bought.

Jun 6, 2013

Brianna M.

Well for this shopping trip I can afford 1000+ and I am more drugstore brand than high end and I have really crappy makeup now that's why I'm starting over.

Jun 6, 2013

Brianna M.

Ok :) lol I have one son and I have money already put aside for him so I'm good :)

Jun 6, 2013

Lynzie B.

Well that's a good amount to play around with. If I were you I would also try some name brand with the amount your willing to spend. They have testers at ulta and sephora so you can try them out.

Jun 7, 2013

Ashley H.

Its up to you on how much you want to spend. if your going to throw everything out then buy all new stuff then to build it back up a new collection its going to take some money. go for it.

Jun 7, 2013

Emily M.

I would advise really doing some research (YouTube, review sites) on good products/brushes to get. Sigma in my opinion, has the best brushes for the best price and I order them online. I would go into the stores with a couple things I know have great reviews and look into those, not just buying things with cute packaging (guilty!), then buy a couple things that look like fun. If you're starting all over, for sure know what thing to get.

Jun 7, 2013

Bronwyn R.

This is going to sound crazy but I spent about 2000 on make up. was a noobie at it and bought a lot of things I saw on youtube tutorials and hauls. most of it I don't use and it is still sitting there unused. I suggest figuring out what you want and like and go from there and also look for samples. I wish I had instead of going trigger happy lol.

Jun 7, 2013

Erin M.

Too much is all up to you. If you're getting high end products its not hard to spend $500, two Naked Palettes puts you at $100, MUFR foundation and the Lorac Pro Palerte put you at $200, good brushes added to the mix and the number keeps going up. For me 'too much' is when you go over your limit and can't buy the things you need because you spent your money on wants.

Jun 8, 2013

Brianna M.

Ha wow see I don't have anywhere that sells high end around me so I'm more into drugstore brands but I would love to try mac