Bedroom De-Cluttering Tips.


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Jun 21, 2013

Caitlin T.

I really need some help/ideas on how to declutter my bedroom and make it more relaxing? Any ideas would be WONDERFUL and if you need a pic of my room I am happy to post.

Jun 21, 2013

Leanda B.

Omg...this is my favourite thing to do because in the end, I feel so relaxed. You need to get rid of the things you haven't used or worn in the last month or'll probably find as I did, that you're making excuses to keep such things, and if that's the case, get rid of it! LoL...If you really need it in the future, which most likely you won't, then just buy or borrow it. Remember less is more :) good luck...I'd love to see before and after shots