Do you think it's bad.


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Jun 21, 2013

Alma M.

I think it's more of a personal choice, but I don't think it's wrong.I have this always in mind high end well some do own a great deal of drug store brands.

Jun 21, 2013

Sarah S.

I think some people have the mentality that the higher the price, the better quality and although that os true sometimes it isnt all the time. I've seen some fantastic makeup done with drugstore makeup. I myself buy mostly high end aslong as its worth it but I do have some drug store products that are awesome:)

Jun 21, 2013

Alma M.

It's the sister affect...One is related to the other ;-)

Jun 21, 2013

Tiffany D.

Drugstore makeup has really stepped up its game lately I'm loving brands like maybelline,wet n wild & hard candy I pair it with my high end makeup

Jun 21, 2013

Bronwyn R.

Absolutely agree with sarah. why do you only buy high end? have you tried drug store?

Jun 21, 2013

Grace K.

I tend to buy an equal amount of both! If I notice I've been buying a bunch off high end stuff recently Ill lay off the MAC for a while and start buying some drugstore stuff...and when I've been buying a lot of drugstore Ill splurge and buy some high end stuff :)

Jun 21, 2013

Sarah S.

Just check ingredients vs two alike products. I boughy urban decay curling mascara($20) and it was horrible, my Covergirl clump crusher($7.00) is amazing:)

Jun 21, 2013

Claire P.

I feel the same way but for things like lipsticks and glosses I look at drug stores. For eye shadow, I havet had the best luck with drug store brands and blushes from brands like Milani are good but wear off quick. I don't think it's bad but it doesn't hurt to try out other brands (:

Jun 21, 2013

Alma M.

The ingredients in all brands change some for the better some not so much..Like Mac for example it was bought out by Estee Lauder a while back and everything in the quality of the product changed a great deal it's not as great as the 90's but that's just my opinion and right now they're one of the lowest cost (high end) cosmetics out there compared to the competition,just keep an open might to it Raquel you will be surprised what's out there  :-)

Sometimes the more expensive is better but drug store can be good. I'd buy both. If people don't like it too bad.

Jun 21, 2013

Jamie D.

No but just cause its expensive doesn't mean its good or even worth the money, I always buy products based on their reputation, ingredients and if they worked for me on the past. while usually this means that they are not usually "drugstore" brands it is not always the case and I have found really good, natural products / brands with great ingredients for drugstore prices too! I have realized through much research and trial and error that big price tags do not always mean your getting what you pay for or that they work better than less expensive brands :-) this is especially true even more so for skincare products.

Jun 21, 2013

Crystal H.

I buy a mixture of both... I worked for Chanel and its very expensive makeup but working in macys I learned a lot about department stores makeup vs drug stores... for example Lancome popular department store brand is made by loreal.. (who now owns maybelline too) So a lot of the ingr?dients found in Lancome are in loreal products...also MAC is owned by Estee Lauder... now Lauder is much more expensive than MAC yet all made by the same company! but honestly You really don't know What you like until You try it! I always look in the fashion magazines to see what's be rated as quailty which isnt always the expensive stuff!! I hope this helps!!

Jun 21, 2013

Shelley W.

I'm in the middle but overall I favor the high-end because I haven't experienced too many duds within that price point. I have a $8 shimmer bronzer that applies better,in my opinion, than my $40 shimmer bronzer. And some $6 lippies that out perform my $15 lippies. I simply cannot be exclusive to any price point as I've found gems at both levels.

Jun 21, 2013

Leidy R.

I wouldnt say its bad, as long as you are able to afford it. (:
Although there are good drugstore products such as mascaras or lipsticks. Eyeshadows not so much. But I would say try out some drugstore, you might end up liking it!...

Jun 21, 2013

Ivonne B.

I use to think the same way until I ventured out to drugstore products. I mean as soon as you walk in the displays catch your eye and look so beautiful ;) I've been hooked ever since. Plus I can (crazy buy) and not worry about breaking the bank. 😉don't get me wrong still buy highend but not as often as I use to.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. But totally agree with Jaqueline.

Jun 21, 2013

Kim C.

Completely agree with Jacqueline. I like to dip into both high end and criminally cheap. If it works for me I'll buy it and use it. If not regardless of the price it will never darken my door again. It's not bad to only buy high end makeup. Your money, your face, your choice :D.

Jun 21, 2013

Shannon C.

I buy both. I stick to high end when it comes to foundation because I can test the color and make sure it's an exact match. You can't so that in a drugstore. I buy high end mascara only because dior show blackout is SO BLACK. I can't find a cheaper one as black. All my skin treatments are high end.

Jun 21, 2013

S G.

Its really up to you though but if you feel like you are splurging to much on it then I say don't buy anything for a while or just start ordering your high end products from amazon, ebay, or alibaba they come for cheap and they can be genuine ( sometimes) but I would check the rating and comments before purchasing anything.

Jun 21, 2013

Taylor G.

I buy mostly Clinque makeup. But I branch out every now and then. I know what I like and what works for me. But I like trying new stuff and so I do.

Jun 21, 2013

Erin M.

I walk the middle line. Some things I get high end, others I get drug store. I will say this though, when it comes to lipstick normally high end can be better for reasons you don't think of. For example, I keep all my makeup in a train case because I'm between homes, left said case in car on a hot day on accident, took my makeup out and all of my cheap lipsticks were melted to the side of the tube. My MAC, Too Faced, and Tarte on the other hand looked untouched.

For eyeshadows I like to play around a bit, while I love my MAC shadows and my Naked Palette my Coastal Scents 252 palette is cheaper then both, with more colors, and is super pigmented. Can't beat that. But there are some cheap brands I won't touch, like ELF for example. The products are cheap and I can tell why. Don't like 'em. Or at least the eyeshadows and mascara.

But if you are comfy with high end, stick with it! But if you want to give drug store a try don't be scared, you may find some stuff you like!

Its a personal choice. I have been using Mac for years. There is nothing wrong with only wanting to use professional products.

Jun 21, 2013

Ashley C.

Mines usually drug store purchases but that's only because I can't afford high end cosmetics and I use a lot of it lol.

Jun 21, 2013

Traci L.

I feel if you wanna spend your money on it thats your personal choice I will spend a lot on skin care and I don't care what anyone thinks if I wanna buy mac I will and I love nyx an milani as well I have bought expensive makeup an they were complete crap and I can make some cheap makeup look great long as you don't look down on people who choose to buy all drug store then its not bad its your money

Jun 21, 2013

Caitlynn J.

I don't buy any face makeup (foundation, powder, concealer, etc.) from a drugstore. I too use Mac. I do buy drugstore eye shadows (not as much lately), lipsticks, pencils, liners, mascara...the stuff that doesn't touch my face ill buy from a drugstore. If it goes on cheeks, chin, or forehead, I use high end. I do that bc I have very sensitive skin and the wrong thing for too long means breakouts.

Raquel D.
Raquel D.

Imperial Beach, CA