Coming across as self-centered in a blog...


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Mar 29, 2012

Andrea S.

That might sound sytupid because I know a blog is meant to be ABOUT you/your opinions/your makeup looks and stuff, but what would you say is going a step too far and sounding really self-absorbed and vain?

I'm asking because I'm about to start an isotretinoin treatment for acne and I thought I could write a blog about it for any acne-suffering readers, but a friend told me that it was unnecessary and just made me sound attention seeking... thoughts please?

Mar 29, 2012

Aubrey J.

I think that this is such a vague topic. In MY opinion, however, I don't believe anything (aside from saying outright that you're the most dazzling creature to walk to earth) you write will be seen as "self-centered". (:

Good luck!

lol your friend is nuts.

I'm sure there are other people that would be thinking about doing this treatment and if a blog post is being made about it, people can read about it before they decide to go on it as well. It would be helpful.

Mar 30, 2012

Soma S.

I don't see how a post dedicated to helping your readers and showing your acne recovery being portrayed as a self-centered topic at all! You have no idea how many would appreciate you for sharing your personal experience with them!

Attention seeking would be like the people that post thread topics saying, "hey, look at me! Someone called me fat, but I think I'm gorgeous! Tell me what you think?"

Now THAT'S a dig for compliments, and I've seen it even here on Beautylish... *cough* [not naming names] =P

You'll be helping many! I always refer ppl to CeraVe and I've had a few ask me for before and after pics... Haha, and I'm like, "do you really think I'd have the balls to put those out for the world to see?" - even I thought about documenting my journey, but I was too afraid to let the world see my face like that. =[

If you do decide to persue it, I commend you! Don't let your friend make you feel self-conscious for such a self-less act! =D

Mar 30, 2012

Lisa U.

Your friend is crazy haha.

A blog is about you and your opinions. Unless you're writing about how amazing you are or how you're better than everyone I don't see how it's self centered ha.

Acne posts help loads of people, I've written a long post about it myself. I think they're helpful.

I personally didn't have the guts to put pictures of myself up before I started my regime so power to you if you do!


Mar 30, 2012

Andrea S.

Thanks guys! I just over-think things a lot, and wouldn't want to come across badly since when you're reading a blog post it's harder to tell HOW things are being said than in a video, if that makes sense haha

Mar 30, 2012

Andrea S.

I'm still debating to put a no-makeup picture up though... that definitely takes guts and there are a lot of cruel people out there

I think you should! You shouldn't be ashamed at all. Everyone is beautiful without makeup on, or at least I think so! 

A lot of people who aren't beauty bloggers really don't get it! I would take my friends advice, but still do my own thing! The whole point of reading a blog is to see what the person thinks, feels, acts, does, etc. So it is self-centered, but that's what we wanna see haha!

The first time I went on my channel without any makeup, I thought I might die... but when I watched it back it really wasn't that bad! Pssssh....I'm bare-faced all the time now!

Mar 31, 2012

Ashley H.

I think that topic would be helpful to other people too, so now that would not be self centered. 

Mar 31, 2012

Kristen W.

I agree with a few of the other comments. I think the only way a blogger can truly sound self-centered is to talk about how amazing they are or try to fish for compliments. I think you should go through with your post; it sounds like a great idea and I am sure it would help people. I have posted pictures of myself for skincare before and after posts and I am still alive =) And it was not a pretty sight(but we all say that, lol.) I also got positive feedback from it. But it did take me awhile to build up the courage for it. Besides, like Jasmine said, we are all beautiful without makeup on =)

Mar 31, 2012

Andrea S.

Thank you all so much for your positive feedback! I'm still thinking about it, I could always put pictures up of sections of my face instead of a full face but I don't know if that would give the same effect? I know I probably sound stupid because as Kristen said, she did it and she's still alive :) it's just such a big insecurity

Mar 31, 2012

Lisa U.

If you're doing before the acne treatment you could take a picture and crop the area you want to show :) doesn't have to be all your face. Your blog, your rules xox

As long as you aren't saying "i'm awesome blah blah blah" I think that's just fine... after all, if someone doesn't like you, they don't have to read your blog! I think your friend may be jealous or just generally unsure of where you are coming from... does she blog? It's kind of a radical concept for some people.