Tinted moisturizer/BB with the most coverage?


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I'm looking for a face cream that gives me coverage but is not as heavy as a foundation. I have acne, thats why I need the coverage :P Oh, must be available in Canada.
Thanks! :)

I really like the Smashbox BB cream. It has pretty much replaced my foundation. I have acne scars on my cheek and forehead, and this does a good job of covering them up without being heavy. I still use a tiny bit of concealer every now and then. This BB cream also does not get oily and stays on really well =)

Missha's BB cream - seriously the THICKEST and definitely FULL coverage. More affordable, and I feel Asian BB creams still reign supreme VS their American counterparts. I've yet to see an American brand impress me yet...  =(

theBalm BalmShelter tinted moisturizer.

I'm REALLY loving the Skin Food Red Bean BB cream at the moment. Has the best coverage i've seen for a BB cream so far.

Apr 4, 2012

Shelley W.

I'm loving the Smashbox BB cream. I live in FL and its starting to warm up big time and so far so good its been hanging in there like a champ. I do set it with transluecent powder from Too Faced in my t-zone from time to time if I'm going to working a full-face of make-up. I just use my fingers and apply in sections. I have some faint acne scars and it pretty much blurs them out of existence. I'm very happy with it.