Help with baby hairs!


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Jun 23, 2013

Emily R.

Okay so I have this short hair that only grow about and inch around the left side of my head near my hairline. They always stick up and every time I cut them off I'm left with this bald spot. Any idea of how I could get rid of them or make them stand out less?

Jun 23, 2013

Morgan S.

Oh don't cut those off!! Grow them out and you will be able to style them like the rest of your hair. You shouldn't cut your baby hair my hairstylist even told me this.

Jun 23, 2013

Jalin G.

Get a cute cut that changes your hair line. that's what I did when a stylist messed up. also curling your hair will hide it (I usually perm my hair so that made it a lot easier)

Jun 23, 2013

Zelma S.

Try Vaseline to smooth them down.

Jun 23, 2013

Sophia K.

Get an unused toothbrush and put some hairspray on it. Use the toothbrush to brush them back. (Or any other small thin brush.)

Jun 23, 2013

Mimi S.

Clear eyebrow mascara or the same color as your hair