Baby Oil For Everything?


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Jun 23, 2013

Mimi A.

How true that baby oil helps to prevent dandruff. makes your skin hydrated/moisturized, good for face especially when you had heavy make up on? does it clog or give you break outs? help please,, :'( thank you pretty :))

Jun 23, 2013

Jalin G.

The Dandruff thing is very true but not too much or it will make your hair oily.

Jun 23, 2013

Olivia N.

Dandruff - there are shampoos that specialize in this go to a hair dresser and they can recommend something
Skin - I use coconut oil it smells really nice and you can use it for anything! Coconut oil is also organic. Virgin Coconut oil.
Break outs - use a shower scrub like morning burst in the morning and at night try to look for make ups that prevent acne maybe for a little bit after a big event or when you get home wash it off and if necessary reapply
I haven't tried baby oil yet though hope this helps!

Jun 23, 2013

Noelle L.

I use baby oil to remove my eye makeup and it works great.

Jun 23, 2013

LauriBritnee S.

Baby oil is actually not really good for your hair while it might remove drandruff which is commonly mistaken with flakes, it contains a oil by the name of "mineral oil" which is known for stripping your hair an body of its natural oils leavimg your hair and skin very thirsty an dry!

Jun 23, 2013

Darlene M.

I agree with Britain I used to put it on my hair n my hair got really dry={ also if you do get coconut oil make sure its cold pressed and like Olivia said organic virgin or extra virgin coconut oil its helpd my hair soooo much!!=]

Jun 23, 2013

Lovelin A.

Wht oil should you use on your hair which I good for hair

Jun 23, 2013

Darlene M.

@Lovelin A. coconut oil =]

Jun 23, 2013

Pontip S.

I used baby oil on my body everyday. Such a bad idea! I broke out on my chest and now it's very sensitive to anything but aveeno body lotion :( I didn't know what I was doing. And just did it to make my skin look supple. -_-

Jun 23, 2013

Chandell B.

If you wanna use an oil on you skin use Nuetrogena Body oil with sesame seed body oil

Too.much oil clogs pores and will cause breakouts.and using it on your hair will make your hair to worse.and cause more buildup