Deodorised Coconut Oil


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Jun 22, 2013

Brianna-leigh C.

Hey girls I'm thinking about buying coconut oil to grow out my hair.
Do you think 'deodorised coconut oil' is the same as organic coconut oil?
Will this one work for my hair growth?

Jun 22, 2013

Darlene M.

Mmm I would be safe n buy an organic extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil from amazon or something I dnt know what deodorised means haha=]

Jun 22, 2013

Andrea B.

I bought some at TJ Maxx but now Trader Joes carries it and its like $5.99 a jar. Cheap. Organic and virgin.

Jun 22, 2013

Brianna-leigh C.

Thanks guys! I live in new zealand and I can't seem to find organic coconut oil anywhere! I'll prob have to order it online.