Going To High School Next Year And...


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Jun 17, 2013

Taijha C.

Hey girls,
I know this is off topic but I'm graduating this Friday and I'm scared to go to high school.. I'm going to be a freshman next year and I'm nervous if people make fun of me , pick on me etc.blah blah..lol anyways any suggestions on going to high school..? thanks xo

Jun 17, 2013

Sam B.

I'm going into high school next year too! I have an older brother and an older sister who are there and the advice they gave me is not to worry about those people, focus on your studies, get involved somehow, clubs, bands etc... And if people pick on you, don't be afraid to tell someone!

Jun 17, 2013

May D.

I'm going to highschool next year too, I'm super scared as well, but just this week I've made some soon-to-be-senior friends (all dudes) and they are all really cool and funny and now I'm not as scared. I just hate all highschool girls so thats what I'm worried about. (all the girls in my town sleep around and do drugs by freshman year)

Jun 17, 2013

Larissa G.

Really, no one picks on freshmen. they're really just ignored for the most part. upperclassmen are too busy in their own lives.

Jun 17, 2013

Taijha C.

Thank you girls :) you made my night xoxo

Jun 17, 2013

Bridget W.

I agree with Larissa and Brittney. I noticed if you don't start trouble you'll be okay.

Jun 17, 2013

Melodi G.

I was so worried about starting high school. I absolutely LOVE high school. No I am not one of those super popular kids but it was a lot of fun. I went to prom as a freshman!! Make wise choices and set limits for yourself. As long as you have your head on straight, you will be okay! Good luck to all of you!

Jun 17, 2013

Kathryn C.

Be yourself, and you'll find people that you click with and it'll be great! Don't start trouble , that will just be all kinds of bad. Also remember that everyone there is stressed and wants to leave, so honestly, the upperclassmen will ignore you, like Larissa said. And Samantha had GREAT advice, with getting involved in school, I made SO many friends through clubs! Honestly, it's nothing to worry about at all! Good luck!

Jun 17, 2013

Olivia G.

I worried about the same thing and honesty, no one made fun of me or even noticed that I was freshmen, an this year, I'm going to be a sophomore

Jun 17, 2013

Sophie P.

I'm going into high school too! I'm nervous too! don't worry! BE YOURSELF and don't try to fit in of you don't like it. Don't be scared about outfits or popularity. focus on grades and surround yourself with good friends. xx

Jun 17, 2013

Lauren M.

I'm going to be a senior this year! :) Don't stress about it. Honestly, we're all concerned with our own lives to worry about picking on anyone else (well, most of us anyways. There's going to be douchebags everywhere sadly.) Focus on your schoolwork and try to get it done beforehand so you can ask your teachers questions about the work or if you want them to go over it really quickly. Trust me, teachers really do appreciate and take notice of you putting in effort. Don't get stressed out with boys and all that crap. I've seen good friends of mine break down because of that dumb stiff. It's really not worth it. Oh, and try to bring your own lunch to school if you aren't allowed off campus yet. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people not even bother to eat lunch becaude the food can be disgusting.

Jun 17, 2013

Lauren M.

good luck! :)

Jun 17, 2013

Jessica S.

I'm graduating from college in a year and a half. In comparison to that, high school was just a short time period that literally goes by soo fast! You probably won't think so while you're going through it, but you will at the end. No matter what happens though, remember that the things in high school are more temporary. Most of those friends or enemies will be strangers after four years and the issues along with it. May the most out of it though! Grow, don't limit your friends. Try to meet and hang out with all different people. I was with the wrong group for the first two years, and even though I thought I was happy, it backfired my last two years, and those same friends turn to make my high school years almost unbearable. Don't burn bridges, try new things, but be smart and responsible and think out all your decisions. Always learn from your mishaps. And definitely make sure you are involved to figure out what you enjoy and would like to do in the future and take challenging academics. I was in many many clubs and took the hardest classes and it paid off for college. High school is really to be able to get into college, because that's what is going to get you a career for your future. No matter what happens, remember that high school is just a stepping stone to get to the rest of your life.

Jun 17, 2013

Kylee M.

Just finished freshman year as a new kid and let me tell you, it was pretty scary. But you pick up tips on what the people are like and how you're supposed to be. Don't listen to those tips. I realized the more I stopped caring what everyone else though and acted like myself the more I enjoyed myself. If you can, be involved and get friends (even though you probly already have a lot) but realize who the real ones are. High school is just you're day job so if something embarrassing or what not happens, it's not the end of the world. When you get back up after stuff like that, just means you've got character.

Jun 17, 2013

Kayli H.

There's literally nothing to be scared of when going to high school. The only real differences are people are older and classes are different. People will be fake and try to pick on you, but that's just because thats what they see in movies and stuff. Just calm down and don't worry. If people are assholes to you then just ignore them. If that doesn't work, lock them from your phone and social media sites. Avoiding people is much easier than it seems. If it gets too difficult to handle alone, don't keep it to yourself. Be honest at all times. People will appreciate it.

Jun 17, 2013

Gricelda M.

Completely agree with Jessica S. ^ I'm graduating from High school on Friday and let me tell you it really does go by fast. At first when I was an incoming freshman I was extremely nervous & anxious but yet still somewhat exited. It's a new experience. However I made my share of mistakes freshman year and some of sophomore year I was way too focused on the social side of high school rather than what's important my education. I hung around with the wrong people & to make it short brought nothing but bad things. I learned from my mistakes though , I turned things around started receiving much higher test scores and grades. High school can be a great experience try to make the most of it get involved in school, clubs etc. Socialize but don't make it a priority. Take full advantage of as many advanced courses as you can. It does pay off for college. If you come across rude, mean or immature people just ignore them , don't let it affect you because high school it just a stepping stone like Jessica said , a little chapter of your life. There is some people that feel superior or better than the rest maybe the "popular kids" in school but trust me never feel less than anyone or below them. After high school mostly everything changes you realize something that your worried or stress so much about in high school did not matter. Good luck , be happy , hang out with friends, make plenty of memories if you can , be smart and cautious about your decisions. Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness and remember boys are just boys don't make them bigger than what they really are.

Jun 17, 2013

Kirin S.

Don't worry!
I'm in year 9 right now and when I graduated from primary school I was really worried cause I'm kinda an introvert (extremely shy) and I was worried that I wasn't going to have any friends and that people would pick on me like they did in primary... But don't worry! High school has turned out to be one of the highlights of my life... I love it! I have loads of friends and people are really nice to me! Sure, not everyone gets along with everybody, but high school is actually a really friendly place to be! And don't worry, cos everyone else going to high school next year is probably just as scared as you are... Just have fun! It's not bad at all... High school is great!

Jun 17, 2013

Kat A.

I'm going to be a junior next year and honestly, it's not that bad being a freshman. Just be yourself. I had a lot of friends that were older than me so I stuck with them. I still do. But that's only because I hate my class. Haha. But nobody is going to bother you unless you bring attention to yourself. You'll be completely fine. Enjoy Freshman year and DON't screw up. It will end up hurting you in the long run. Worry about your studies because they're extremely important freshman year. Don't end up like me and have a low GPA because of freshman year. Make friends, focus on your studies, and be yourself. You'll be totally fine (: good luck!

Jun 17, 2013

Shelby T.

I quit highschool bc the principal harassed the shit out of me everyday. I'm 18 got my ged and I'm in my 2nd year of cosmetology and I hated highschool. I didn't get picked on just harassed by a teacher if all your worried about is being picked on then you should be fine. bc freshman are ignored. the older ppl will try to scare you tho lol they told me my freshman yr that seniors would throw pennies at us and call us green horns but it didn't happen.