I want to hear your opinions please read!!


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Jun 16, 2013

Jadyn B.

No she was just being racist you probably could help that lady more than her friendso just ignore people like that:)

Jun 16, 2013

Costina G.

They are just racist. You should not worry, your skin color does NOT affect your intuition/talent or anything like that. Don't listen to that kind of stupid remarks, they were probably jealous. Keep your head up!

Jun 16, 2013

Antisar A.

Hhahahahhahaha you are too funnu girl! no we can all wear the same products! and shit, I wish I had skin like most black people um you guys don't breakout much hahhaha and I'm obviously not white or black I'm arabian... anyways wth difference does it make? the only difference is you guys wear deeper tones in foundation concealer and any other face makeup. I'm sure we all can wear the same eyeliner and the same eyeshadows, lipstick too! maybe not blush but like I said same makeup just richer tones.

Jun 16, 2013

Elaine R.

That is absolutely ridiculous. I can not believe racism is still around. I can not stand ignorance. No patience for it. I believe that anyone any race any gender can give beauty advice. Idk how you didn't lose your mind mookey!! Lol. More power to you 💜

Jun 16, 2013

Vielka R.

Wow, that is super rude. I can't believe people still think like that in this day and age.

Jun 16, 2013

Antisar A.

And fyi, eff racism I got bullied by some black girls at my beauty school... because they thought I was white...and yeah, it's ridiculous, but that doesn't mean I hate black people I just hate those b/!@&s lol I'm sorry dear that shit happens :/ it sucks though.

Jun 16, 2013

Naomi X.

Seriously this is so stupid!! As skeletons we are all the same so what does it matter the colour of your skin?! Nothing...!! All I can say is 'ain't nobody got time for that ' :')!<3.

Jun 16, 2013

Bree B.

Wtf. Yeah, I would not take one word that says seriously. True, there are makeup lines who's foundations cater to one type of complexion but for the most part everything is equal. Oh shit, I use Milani eyeliner and I'm white! Anyway she sucks and I am not as cool as you and probably would have gotten into it with her.

Jun 16, 2013

Eileen A.

That behavior is absurd! I don't understand nor can I tolerate racist remarks. We're all women bottom line and should share our tips and advice with each other. If you choose to ignore it based on race, well then is her loss Mookey! So sorry you had to take part in such ignorance doll!

Jun 16, 2013

Darlene M.

Is you serious?? =o girl I know you know that girl was bein foolish...she oviously isnt very smart and wasnt raised right.and everybody wears different makeup!! idc if their black white mexican orange green that girls stupid!! I can't stand that kind of stuff...I'm glad to hear though that you didnt say anything racist back!!

Jun 16, 2013

Liliana E.

Those kinda of people are completely ridiculous & ignorant!! It makes me soo upset..skin is just a color amd your knowledge of knowing about is another thing. You have a beautiful color :) and you should of given her a black eye so she would know who she was messin with lol!! Keep your head held high girl :)

Jun 16, 2013

Liliana E.

*knowing about makeup

Jun 16, 2013

Jareka B.

You can help anybody you want to... You think a makeup artist just do her race makeup no they do all races I hate people like that.

Jun 16, 2013

Michelle C.

The person who said that is obviously a ignorant stupid person. Just because your a different skin color then the person your suggestion makeup to doesn't mean you don't know what your talking about.

Jun 16, 2013

Hayley W.

Haha damn you have a lot of restraint! If it was me I would have said some pretty insulting things to that bitch hahaha ;p

Jun 16, 2013

Tyler M.

I'm not sure if she was being intentionally racist, or if she is just naiive, but it was definitely rude!

Jun 16, 2013

Jazzmin S.

It's crazy because I work in a dept. store and the girls in cosmetics say they hear the same thing all the time. Whether it's white ladies that only want a white lady to help them or black ladies that won't wear anything but fashion fair because it's not for black skin. There stereotypes are ridiculous. As long as they make products trust the make products for all.

Jun 16, 2013

Lara C.

Thats disgusting... I'm sorry you had to experience that. I don't know what skin color has anything to do with makeup other than foundation and concealor but wtv. I can't believe there are still people like that in 2013... crazy! I would have freaked out.

Jun 16, 2013

Stephanie S.

That's how a lady acts. she doesn't lose her cool for ignorant ppl. but she tells them off!... she's the one who chooses to live with that hate in her heart. not you!

Jun 16, 2013

Edwina O.

Wow Mookey I bet her makeup looked like hell!! I had someone say something to me about my makeup I basically told the older woman when you starts wearing makeup give me advice on mine! sorry that happened to you people are ignorant sometimes.

Jun 16, 2013

Stephanie M.

Omg Mookey this is why I continue to lose faith in people!! I'm so sorry that happened to you! It makes me furious!! Excuse my language but its fucking 2013! Aren't we passed this racial by now! She was probably just reacting out of pure jealousy because you're gorgeous and she's white! Lol jk but seriously! Don't worry, not all us white chicks are like that! Lol. Keep that head held high girl! Don't let those ignorant bring you down!! Much love!

Jun 16, 2013

Tee K.

You did the right thing since your children were with you always a mommy first! But if you were alone I would have let her know wonderful the world is because of her ridiculous prejudice az!
You have to learn how to slice folks with a smile!😯💩😇

Jun 16, 2013

Emily W.

That is so shocking! what a biatch! good to see you took the moral high ground and didn't stoop to her level, but that's so shocking and hurtful, I'm so sorry you had to be subjected to her stupidness, if you feel you could help someone you go ahead and do it and more power to you, that silly little girl. Omg^ lol that comment reminds me of that part in "me myself and Irene" when that guy snaps and calls out over the tannoy! if you havent seen it- YouTube it!

Jun 16, 2013

Emily W.

I'm so glad someone knew what I was on about! aha :P

Jun 16, 2013

Niki C.

I don't know if she intentionally meant to be racist/disrespectful, but she definitely sounds ignorant. My MAC "boyfriend" (my fav Mac sales rep) is black; I'm white, and I always take his advice. In fact, he's been the best help to me in finding my perfect lip colors and such. I think you handled it perfectly!