Do you recommend vitamin c serum and what brand.


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Jun 11, 2013

Miss N.

I heard about the benefits if vitamin c which serum have you used with good results.

Jun 11, 2013

Claire B.

Ole Henriksen Truth Serum is wonderful!

Jun 11, 2013

Alicia H.

I agree with Claire and to add to your question vitamin C works in 2 ways - one to brighten skin and the other as a carrier of other nutrients to the dermal layer of the skin to get optimal benefits from all of your skincare. Additionally, I really love Dr Perricone's Vitamin C Ester serum - it is stabilized and does not oxidize because of the tinted container (turn brown like an actual orange would in the sun).

I hope that helps!  xoxo

Jun 11, 2013

Miss N.

Thank you ladies