New Beauty Program - "SINDULGE"


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Mar 17, 2012

Karen P.

Hi everyone I saw this on a you tube video about a new beauty program and thought I would share it all with you. I also did a video on it which you could check it out if you like. What is different than the others is that you have your own beauty consultant who helps you pick out your items. The program is $12 a month and after you sign up you get an appointment date and time to talk with your consultant. They ask you questions about what are the things you would like to change. Your skin, hair and what kind of makeup you like. Then they put all the info you gave them and come up with your box. My box is being shipped out next week and as soon as I receive this I will post a video on what I have received. I can't wait to see what she came up with. Have a nice day beauties Karen xxx

How many more of these are going to come out?!

Mar 17, 2012

Karen P.

Sorry I don't understand your question.

@Rikki - more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon. Unfortunately about 95% can't live up to Birchbox.

The one thing I dislike about Sindulge is, from my understanding, you have to have a consultation EVERY MONTH to get a box. What a royal PAIN!

Mar 17, 2012

Karen P.

In talking with them you don't need to speak with them each month unless you want something changed. I will let you know if that is correct. Everyone has there boxes they are happy with and that is fine I was just trying to let others know of this one. I looked in the search section and nothing was under there. That's why I posted this. From now on I will not post any more programs I didn't know you were not suppose to. Sorry.

Nobody said you weren't supposed to...?

I have no issues with people posting about programs and I absolutely did not say that, aha. I was just wondering how many more of these things were going to come out because, yes, there is a whole bunch of them and how unique can these boxes get now?

Mar 17, 2012

Karen P.

I miss understood. You'll have to bare with me I'm new to this.

Karen, thanks for sharing!! Some of us are always looking for the next big thing, so that could be it. I'll check it out! Beautylish is for putting new ideas out there, so there's nothing wrong with your post.... Maybe just some miscommunication!! Have a great weekend! :-)

Mar 18, 2012

Karen P.

Thanks. I'll leave an update once I receive my box.