I need help


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Jun 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

I need tips on how to put makeup on and what each thing is for! I'm 16 and I've never put makeup...please help!

Jun 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.


Jun 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

@ Chanel R.

Jun 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Ok thank you!! <3.

Jun 14, 2013

Nicole N.

Yeah. When I was 16, I only wore mascara, blush, lip gloss, and maybe like a champagne eyeshadow on my lid. Bb cream would be a good idea though! Just start with some basics and you will learn more as you experiment with what looks good.

Jun 14, 2013

Megan M.

You could play with some eyeshadow too if you have any ^.^ browns, tans, light pinks. Try using two colours, one on your lid and just under your brow and work a color that just slightly darker into your crease =]

Jun 14, 2013

Megan M.

If you're going to use eyeshadow is recommend getting an eye shadow primer as well. You don't have to get anything expensive but it'll help hold it on and stop it creasing through the day. I think elf has one for a few dollars!

Jun 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Thanks! @ Nicole N. :)

Jun 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Love that idea!! Thank you <3 @ Megan M.