How do you think of your usernames?


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For blogs/channels.
Mainly for blogs, haha.
I'm happy with my YT name!
Although I wouldn't want it for my blog for some reason, IDK.

But how do you think of blog URL names? I CAN NEVER THINK OF GOOD ONES I REALLY LIKE TO STICK TO. Well, I try to make it related to makeup which is why I think I have a problem, haha. But yeah, I'm quitting my Tumblr nad moving to Blogspot because as much as I love the tagging system, I hate the themes and yada yada when it comes to makeup blogs. Yeah, I'm weird.

But ugh. A name. CAN NEVER THINK OF GOOD NAME. Hell, I've been spending seven days trying to figure out a new AIM username.

and gaining back 82 followers is going to suck... hahaha

I thought of a username :D got my new blog set up for the most part

awesome! thanks!

Mar 17, 2012

keri k.

my blog name doesnt even relate to what i actually blog about lol it was some random thing i was going to do with my blog but i ended up with a completely different direction

Mar 17, 2012

April A.

Ohhh! I like these kinds of questions. I recently left my tumblr for blogspot too! (*^.^*)

Edit: I changed it back to adorAPRIL which a guy I was talking to awhile back gave me. Just adorable, but with my name replaced as the able.  (⌒_⌒;)

Hahaha, Keri. Yeah, I've done the "my username has nothing to do with my blog" thing just because I couldn't think of anything related to beauty at the time.

Mar 21, 2012

Jessica W.

My original username came from a song, I created most of my accounts using it like 7 years ago but now I mostly just use my full name spelled backwards. Nothing fancy.

Mar 26, 2012

Ashley B.

I always have to have a funny, clever username. Sometimes a play on words or just something obscene and hilarious. I'm a little crazy, and my username is kind of a warning to people to back away slowly.