Do You Feel This Way?


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Jun 14, 2013

Madame G.

Feel like everyone is staring at you because you have on too much makeup? I'm always asking my husband what he thinks of my makeup and I feel like he lying because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings but I love full coverage makeup I just feel like everyone is staring at me like why so much makeup do you feel like thus sometimes?

Jun 15, 2013

Karen S.

Almost always.. but I mean, I feel comfortable in it so I guess I try not to care! if you feel good in it then don't worry what others think! <3.

Jun 15, 2013

Ivana T.

I always wear full makeup too..Sometimes I feel like that but in a good way.Love my makeup:-)

Jun 15, 2013

Miss N.

Same here they are not making fun of me lol.

Jun 15, 2013

Niki C.

Ugh I feel like I get stared at all the time! I was buying spinach at the local grocery store and had an old man literally laugh and point at me :-( however I have blue hair, so I'm sort of used to it. Whereas I wanted to throw produce at him, I just smiled and yelled "I CAN SEE YOU" and then walked away. If you are happy with it, then screw the world. You can't please everyone!

Jun 15, 2013

Jessica M.

I think you're beautiful and if you want to wear it. Own it! They're looking more out of intrigue if anything I'd say.

Jun 15, 2013

Narissa P.

Maybe people are staring at you because you look great and they are jealous. Or maybe they want to copy that bangin cat eye, or maybe they want to say you're gorgeous

Jun 15, 2013

Eileen A.

Exactly Narissa! I couldn't have said it any better! You're a beauty doll and I bet that's why you are being stared at! :)))

Jun 15, 2013

Eileen A.

And btw... bard on your photo in your profile pic, you DO NOT wear too much makeup!  ;)

Jun 15, 2013

Eileen A.


Jun 15, 2013

Rebella A.

Michelle, it's because you look like a really nice girl with the sweetest smile! Where I'm living there are so many half dead people and they always look at me...just because I'm smiling and enjoying life. It's something they feel when they see you walking and I think are jealous of!

Jun 15, 2013

Shelley W.

I get it a lot...especially if I wear a super bright lippie. A lot of gals in my city are conservative when it comes to makeup. Personally, it doesn't bother me one bit. Let them stare...its not my problem that they don't have the guts to step outside their comfort zone to try something different.

Jun 16, 2013

Caitlin M.

I feel a little awkward at work because I work at a surf shop on the beach. So a lot of people that come in don't have on much makeup or they look very laid back. I dress casual...but still not as summery as most people there so I feel a bit out of place. I'm sure its obvious I'm not a local lol. But I'm a makeup kind of girl. I tone it down and go for a nice beachy look but having to wear full coverage foundation makes it hard sometimes. I feel like I should look my best at work so I want any acne or scarring concealed fully, where as if I was truly going to the beach I'd go much lighter. I also am soo pale so I feel even more out of place. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, just a little odd. I guess I sort of do that whole 'dress for the job you want to have' thing. So I dress and do my makeup like a makeup artist or like I should be working at a makeup counter lol. I like how I look with makeup and I wouldn't give it up though, even if at times I feel like people think it's odd.