BB Cream help!


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Mar 14, 2012

Linaloid M.

Okay, so, I'm new to this site and have no idea what I'm doing so I hope this works..

But, I'm really interested in BB Cream. I'm always hearing about it and how much people love it etc etc. I tried a Google search but just got so confused. There's BB Cream from so many different brands and for so many different things I don't even know where to start.

What are the best brands? What are the different types of BB Creams?
And any other info on it you'd think would be nice for me to know.
I really would like to try some out but it's expensive so I don't want to just pick something randomly.

Thanks so much for any help.

A slight run down on my skin if it'd help determine what I should get:
I have some areas that are a little red, I think it may be sun damages from this part summer. I've got dark spots on my chin that won't go away no matter what. Every so often one will turn into a small pimple, I thought maybe black heads but I've got black heads and these aren't even like them. My skin is just kind of discolored and dull, so boring. I've also got dry skin. On my cheek bones under my eyes are my worst sport, so when I put on make up sometimes it can look a little scaly. I do use moisturizer at night but if I even forget to use it one night my skin is dry again.

Mar 18, 2012

Karen H.

Jen from fromheadtotoe has a very good BB cream guide:
I have combination and acne-prone skin and I'm using the Skin79 Super+ BB Cream (pink label), which is the same one Jen uses. There's also a gold label product, which is supposedly more moisturizing. I'd suggest using a moisturizer before putting on BB cream even though some claim that BB cream can act as a moisturizer. It never hurts to moisturize more when you have dry skin.

Mar 18, 2012

salma l.

I like Garnier's Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream.It worked for me and I really liked It!!!!