Help!! :c pleeasse Pic included!


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Jun 12, 2013

Aletse V.

Okay so my hair did not seem to grow cause of all my damaged ends so I cut it. My hair is now unbearably short, and I need to try and fasten up the growth process. Does anyone have some tips?

Jun 12, 2013

Aletse V.

My hair right now.

Jun 12, 2013

Nicole S.

I have heard mane n tail shampoo and conditioner is really good for growing your hair out. You can also look I to taking vitamins that can help speed up the process. Honestly though I think it looks cute just FYI but I know the feeling of wanting it to grow back right after you cut it.

Jun 12, 2013

Marilu M.

Yeah I used that shampoo and it somewhat worked but I think the vitamins are you best choice

Jun 12, 2013

Karla F.

Taking vitamins will in theory make your hair grow faster but if anything it just makes your hair grow healthier and thicker. biotin is what you should invest in (: also drink lots of water! also give yourself a relaxing head massage to stimulate your hair follicle and if you want you should try massaging your scalp with olive oil or coconut oil. castor oil is said to speed up hair growth

Jun 12, 2013

Esmeralda B.

Smash birth control polls and put then in your shampoo :)

Jun 12, 2013

Esmeralda B.


Jun 12, 2013

Jaden C.

I use mane n tail and I have noticed a difference in my hair. However, the hair on the right side of my hair grows much quicker than the hair on my left and so I end up with uneven lengths... Not sure if its shampoo related but I definitely recommend the shampoo. :)

Jun 12, 2013

Candice W.

Do not use heat on you hair regularly. Also don't to hair treatments too frequently, it will make your hair more prone to damage. But do treat hair sometimes. Trim every few months or until dead or split ends occur. Biotin is okay I guess too.

Jun 12, 2013

Hannah O.

@Jaden my hair grows unevenly too, except with my hair, the under layer grows faster than the top.