Face wash!! Clinique. love it.


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Sep 18, 2013

Daisy B.

I think these products work sooo good...I been washing my face with these products and I love it..cleans your face really good..and takes away acne marks lil by lil..I use it every night and morning..it leaves your face so fresh and your make up looks really good..so I recommend people to use it...there's different types for different type if skin.. (:

Sep 18, 2013

Jessica L.

I used the exact same set a month ago. except I noticed one thing through reviews, is that the toner is way too harsh. so now I use the clearsil daily perfecting face was and the clinique moisturizer. great combo. every once in a while I use the toner or a face mask. but please, if the toner makes your skin tingle or slightly burn then stop using it everyday. its really bad for your skin :)

Sep 19, 2013

Daisy B.

Yah duh toner does kinda feels like tingle but it doesn't burn at all.. why is it bad if I would use duh toner everyday... can please let me know?

Sep 19, 2013

Jessica L.

Because toner removess a layer of skin and makes the skin under it very sensitive. so the sensitive skin under it burns easily in the sun. the one by clinique is very strong, so combining that with using it twice a day will strip off the natural oils on your face.

Sep 19, 2013

Daisy B.

Well every time I use duh toner it feels fine to me now I don't feel like anything...but I have clinique about it and they say its fine and tingling which they say its working on your face and its okay to use it everyday...so I don't know.

Sep 20, 2013

Etienne S.

I use the set too and I love it! :) And yes the tingling is normal and I don't know but I actually like it, I feel like my skin is so clean after I use the toner. :)