Is This Too Much??


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Sep 14, 2013

Akeila L.

Is this showing too much??

Sep 14, 2013

Akeila L.

I'm goinn on a fair date with my bbe.

Sep 14, 2013

Sofia R.

A little bit less of skin and it's perfect.

Sep 14, 2013

Gianna J.

Depends on where youre going... if youre going to be outdoors, or maybe to the movies then its fine

Sep 14, 2013

ariana M.

Yup just a little.

Sep 14, 2013

Antoinette S.

I agree with Sofia

Sep 14, 2013

Maria I.

Ummm I think they look nice but maybe a dark jeanse may look more appropriate
however it all depends if the way you feel if you feel confident in it then you ganna rock it

Sep 14, 2013

Maria I.

on *

Sep 14, 2013

Ahliyah A.

I think it's a tad to much skin. But each to his own. ;)

Sep 15, 2013

Tori H.

You're beautiful in anything, its just your confidence in your outfit that actually dresses it. Don't be conscious of the whole time to hold/cover your stomach if your insecure. Wear something you can be happy and fearless in. Hope this helped. I think it loos great. Rock your figure :)!

Sep 15, 2013

Akeila L.

Thanks you guys , my bf loved it especially cuz we were matching so all in all we had a great time n both look good ha.