Please Help How To Prepare For Picture Day.


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Sep 15, 2013

Vivian M.

What should I wear for picture day such as makeup clothes and hair picture day is in 2 days.

Sep 15, 2013

Marissa B.

Makeup.. Not too much but something neutral! And clothes maybe a scarf!

Sep 15, 2013

ramie x.

Stay away from wild patterns or shirts with sayings on them and keep the makeup natural and apply a little more powder than usual because your face ends up looking very shiny in pictures with heavy lights

Sep 15, 2013

Vivian M.


Sep 15, 2013

Vivian M.

What about my hair.

Sep 15, 2013

Shannon R.

Sep 15, 2013

Shannon R.


Sep 15, 2013

ramie x.

Hair could be simple half up and down

Sep 16, 2013

Hannah S.

Wear makeup that defines your eyes and bone structure
Wear your hair down straight and keep bangs down
Make sure you tilt your face up!! Just a tiny bit to help eliminate the double chin look (which this years portrait unfortunately is suffering from)
Hope this helps you a little. These are all things I just regret not doing seeing as my pic this year is awful!! I put tape over my ID card photo so noone can see it!!