Would you wear nail art to work?


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Aug 8, 2012

Samantha C.

I work in a smart office, everything else I am wearing is completely office-appropriate but on my hands I have Broadway imPRESS nails in Lovestruck on.

Does anyone think this is wrong?

Aug 8, 2012

Katie S.

I work in an office with alll guys and I do my nails wild alll the time! Go for it, it'll make you unique!

Go for it! it's JUST nails after all!

Aug 17, 2012

amber d.

These are my nails< and i work in an smart office :)

Aug 17, 2012

Liel S.

Of course, I don't going anywhere without my nail art 💅💅 I kind of addicted..;))

Aug 18, 2012

ashley h.

i work in a small restaurant & love rocking nail art (& gorgeous nails in general) since my hands are in customers eyesight quite a bit.

my friend actually got a job at a car company & where she works, she can't wear nail polish at all (along with anything scented; they have a list of certain deodorant, etc). i was like........................yeah, couldn't work there. (it's a chemical issue)

Aug 19, 2012

Tori W.

I know what you mean, I love wearing nail art but I work in HR and often have to hold very serious meetings at short notice either with employees or the CEO, so I have to choose carefully what I wear. There are no rules against it but if I was, for example, telling someone they no longer have a job I don't feel it's appropriate to have funky / funny / glittered nails out of respect for the situation. I'd love to wear what I wanted though!

Aug 22, 2012

Saw K.

I think it depends on where you work and what you do. As Tori suggested, if you hold a position of some responsibility and people expect serious (e.g., a professional like a lawyer or physician), then I would think twice. Personally, I am envious of the men and women at the salon I go to... they are fashion forward, edgy and fun every day ! But that's also expected of them, so I suppose it works both ways :)

PS I'm a professional and feel obligated to look a certain way. But I definitely explore my options on weekends !

Nov 21, 2012

S M.


Nov 21, 2012

Payton K.

I dont have a job but I do at school and I get a lot of positive attention. I feel like its something to set you apart from others. (:

Nov 21, 2012

Jordan W.

I work in a preschool with kids so they all go crazy over nail art, so thankfully I'm free to go as crazy as I want. ;)