Garlic Nail Polish helps grow and strong.


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Hey! Just wanna share this tip with you So this is the garlic nailpolish. (this doesn't smell) This will definitely help your natural nail grow stronger and fast. You could find this in any local beauty store or DYI chop tiny garlic and insert into a clear nailpolish. It can be any garlic nailpolish. You will see a big difference in next few weeks. Apply this as a basecoat. You'll thank me later hehe 😁.

Sep 29, 2013

Haleema S.

Thank for the tip hehe but If you DIY how can you get rid of smell.

That you can't! Lol the nailpolish that I used to apply had the smell >.<

Sep 29, 2013

Patricia P.

The smell doesn't go away when you are DIY. Trust me I tried it that garlicky smell stays

Sep 29, 2013

Traci L.

If you rub your fingers with lemon it get rid of the smell.

Sep 29, 2013

Haleema S.

Oh ok thanks. Xxxxx

Thank you Traci :) I never did when I was a child